Monday, June 23, 2014

Ten Years and 165 Pounds Later

This is the picture I had to send in with the application for my cosmetology license back in April of 2004. 
I remember getting all dolled up for the passport photo. I was at my heaviest weight of 350 pounds. I wore a 28-30 in pants and a 3-4X in shirts.

Now this picture I took in April 2014 to capture the accomplishment of me riding my bike 8 miles to the UofA from my house and not dying! This is me red faced and sweaty folks. I'm now down to the 190's, which includes new formed leg muscles from all the bike riding! I also now wear a size 12-14 in pants and a Large in shirts.

Thumbs up to this change that's for sure. haha. I wonder what the next ten years will have in store for me? What do you think?

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Community Job Secured.

Working to better my community: Check
Non-Profit: Check
Working with amazing people: Check
Part time: Check
Works with my school schedule: Check
Utilizes my organizational skills: Check
Allows me to teach and to be creative: Check
Allows me to also work by myself: Check

I love all of those checks.

The coolest thing happened last week. This is going to take a little bit of back story, but humor me, it's worth it.

A month ago I applied for a full-time position with the community food bank here in town. For the last year I have volunteered with the children's nutrition coordinator in an after school program that teaches kids about food/nutrition. The coordinator position became available so I decided to apply since I enjoyed volunteering and teaching the kids so much. I applied for the position with complete confidence that I would at least get the chance for an interview, considering I was highly recommended by the previous coordinator and had the experience that was applicable to the position.

They never called me. I called the HR department two weeks after putting in my application to make sure they knew I was interested, just in case they were weeding people out, but I didn't get to talk to anyone (special phone issues on my part) The position got taken off their website right after I called though so I figured they hired someone else. I really felt like I wasn't going to end up working there, but I wanted to try for the position considering it was a great door opener in helping my community and would let me work within fields I am passionate about. Teaching kids and food :)

Last Monday, a whole month after applying to the food bank, I looked on Craigslist for another job. I narrowed down my search by choosing "non-profits" and wouldn't you know it, the perfect job was waiting for me. I updated my resume and sent it off with a cover letter email around 2pm. By 2:05 pm I had gotten a call from the organization looking to set up an interview. I interviewed the next morning at 9 and was offered the job. I was who they had been waiting for. Wednesday I filled out paperwork and got my finger print clearance application submitted. Thursday I started work..

I am now working for the Easter Seals Blake Foundation as a job coach/clerical support staff. I get to work with the disabled community, specifically with a young woman in the office helping her to increase her job/personal skills. It feels so right being there. My co workers have been great, the atmosphere in the small office is this happy vibe of optimism and fun with a lot of love for those the foundation helps thrown in.I feel that this is where I'm supposed to be. It's a great feeling. It's also less than a mile from my new house which is less than a 5 minute bike ride :) Yeah buddy.

Side note: Funny thing happened Tuesday when I got home from the interview after accepting the position at the ESBF. I got a call from the food banks HR wanting to set up an interview for the coordinator position. Haha. Apparently they were just taking their time. I was able to happily decline the interview and stated I had already accepted another position elsewhere.

I know God knew what He was doing when everything fell into place with ESBF. He knew I would have not even looked for another job if I had the chance to interview and had the job extended to me from the food bank. I know I'm supposed to be with ESBF in my life right now. Now I get to try and make sure I learn everything there I am supposed to as well as be a tool in His hands and do what I am supposed to there.

Here is to new work adventures!

An attractive guy and attractive job changes

Andy the hair gettin' cut bike guru, he's pretty, and as of late I've been enjoying getting to know him more. I've realized we are more than just client and stylist, but we are in a realm where we are friends, but not the kind that hang out or really see/talk to each other unless one needs something from the other kind of friends. It works I guess. Maybe not being in the hanging out friend realm is a good thing for my psyche. Andy doesn't seem to like me in any other way than a friend and truthfully I'm might be ok with that..

I've been trying to get away from liking guys who don't seem to be interested in me. It's a hard habit to break since sadly I've been doing it for so long. I'm going to write out my thoughts down on this case, humor me. Trying to not like Andy is an adventure, that's for sure. I completely acknowledge he's attractive, his smile is still great.Which is nice, but also really confusing for my psyche. Andy also gives great hugs which doesn't help me not to be attracted to him. For the love, physical attraction is good, but with a guy I like I want to be able to get to know him for him, not just stare at him all day. I also want him to want to get to know me. Since he's shows no sign of interest I'll try to keep Andy in the "cute guy who's hair I happen to cut" realm. I'll try to not end up liking him more than that. I'll let you know how that goes.

I did realize a month or two ago that I met him in 2011 and have been doing his hair for over two years. It kinda shocked me to think I've known him that long. He's seen me go through a lot of physical, mental, and spiritual changes that have helped me to become who I have. He's been a great person to talk to about whole food living and getting active which I completely appreciate. I've decided to return the favor in helping him to find peace and joy in his life by giving him a copy of the Book of Mormon. It took me over two years to be comfortable enough with him and my own faith to do that. I don't think he has read it yet, but I hope one day he does. It's hard to describe to someone how amazing the scriptures are without them actually reading them to see for themselves. The Book of Mormon really is amazing. If you haven't read it, do it, it can change your life and help you to find peace and joy you didn't know were possible in this life.

Now some hair info. I'm not professionally doing hair anymore. Yahoo! Well almost not anymore. I have one color client left and then I'm done with clients once she finds a new stylist here in the next month or two. Everyone else, except Andy actually (we barter haircuts for bike repairs so I'll keep cutting his hair). I finished working on their hair at the end of May. It's been a great weight lifted off my shoulders. It wasn't even a weight I knew needed lifted, but I followed the impression to let my clients go and that's what happened. They were sad and I was too in the aspect of not being a part of their lives in the same way anymore, but it's something that needed to happen. I'll still be cutting my own hair and my families. I'll still volunteer cutting missionary's hair in my area who need it too. That's service in my book. Speaking of service I'm totally down for teaching friends how to cut their own or their families hair, I just don't want to be the one doing it all the time.

I'm not going away from it completely I guess is what I am trying to say here, but I realized a few months ago that hair just isn't something I want to do anymore. Working in the beauty industry isn't the profession I want nor is it a field I feel I can grow in the way I want to keep progressing in life (if that makes sense?). I've talked about it here before that I really want to work in the community to help it become better. I realized to that I needed to stop doing hair during my off hours, because it was completely impeding me finding a part time or flexible full time job in my community.

I guess another reason I wanted to quit was because I don't color, use styling products, or use anything beside a simple three ingredient soap on my own head anymore. My hippie ways are swaying me away from unnecessary chemicals. I love going more natural and am rocking my gray streak in my bangs. I also have recognized I don't like societies dependence on beauty products to make one feel good about the way we look. I usually don't even wear make-up anymore, and yet I feel more beautiful now than I ever have. Super weird how much I've changed from my early twenties about hair and make-up. haha. I like getting older and "wiser".

Now onto working to better my community. Go.

Findin' Me

The coolest perspective came a few weeks ago... this whole findin' my ore adventure might not have anything to do with finding my eternal companion.

I think it has been about finding myself.

I feel a am a very different person than I was four years ago. Thanks to everything that has happened in my life, most of which has been cataloged on this here blog. Those experiences are the catalyst for helping me to change. I feel I am a better daughter, sister, aunt, friend, and disciple of Jesus Christ. It feels pretty good to know that we can change and become better people. I humbly recognize that I wasn't able to change on my own though. Change took the Lord teaching me in every moment He could. Change came because He is patient with me and has taught me to be more patient with myself. Making mistakes is to be human and live; living a life where we are allowed to make mistakes is a beautiful gift. I humbly recognize that change has come by trying to align my will with the Lords. I recognize He really does know best in regards to EVERYTHING. No really, He does. I have countless stories, especially over the past four years that prove that.

I have found that by trying to sacrifice myself, my time, my talents, and everything that the Lord has given me He has allowed me to truly find myself; a self that by now knowing I don't want to let go of.

Here is to His help in continually Findin' Me. 

The end of my first semester at the UofA

Finals were so hard!!! And I was sooooooooooooooo thankful the day they were done. I loved all of my classes (art history was that love hate relationship, but with perspective I'm realizing I definitely loved it more than hated it). I finished out the semester with a 3.4 GPA. I got the grades I expected in all but one class, which was photography. I got a B. I was really upset about it at first, but have come to accept and be ok with it.

I prayed for that acceptance and a desire to not be mad anymore, because when I first saw my grade I was really mad, upset might have been too nice of a word. Without the Lord stepping in and taking away my frustration, which was focused at my teacher, I would still be upset about it today. I really am all good now. I had an immediate change of heart one night while I was praying, it was the best feeling. That change signifies for me that God loves me and wants me to be happy. I wasn't happy during that time of being mad and He knew it. I also really didn't like the fact that anger over something that was out of my control (I was in control of the work I put into class, but my teacher was in control to grade my work as he saw fit) was enticing me to be grumpy. I chose to pray because I don't like being unhappy and I don't like not feeling in control of my own emotions/reactions. Anger has that effect on me and probably most people. I know that Jesus Christ can counter balance anger and help me to feel love and peace so He is who I try to go to when I am having a "moment" of frustration.

Now onto the Platform project. Not that I need to write it here, because I would have already posted if I had got accepted, but alas, my project proposal did not get accepted. I don't remember if I wrote it, but my Medici proposal for the camera didn't get accepted either, but I did get $400 in scholarships which is super cool.  I know there is a reason I didn't get them so I'll be content with living my life despite the initial disappointment. I am thankful now that I didn't get the Platform project because there has been A LOT going on this last month and having the kind of responsibility to a project like that would have freaked me out. I'm still planning on making the squeezed lemon piece, maybe a little smaller, but I'll do it over the fall semester and try to get it sold after it's made. However a new camera would have been super cool ;) Now I need to move getting a camera up higher on my "things to purchase when I have more money" list.

It's been interesting to have a months perspective on the end of my first semester at the UofA. I learned so much throughout the spring 2014 semester. Here is hoping to keep the streak of learning a bunch alive during the coming years of school.

Here's the low down...

Missionary schedules are hard!

I have not woken up at 6:30am at all since my gun-ho excitement about being a full-time missionary this summer. (I have gone to bed by 10:30 two or three nights though, win!)

I had to face the fact folks, I'm not cut out for that early of a morning yet.

Notice the word yet.

I won't quit trying. I'm determined to not get mad at myself either. It's going to be a transition for me and I realize transitions take time. I need to also be more diligent about studying the scriptures and Preach My Gospel. I always have a better day when I do that. I think some of that "better" comes in the form of not feeling guilty about not doing it. Ya know since I really do know I should be. Again, I'm a work in progress and greatly appreciate that transitioning to become a better missionary takes time.

Positive note: I have been trying to be missionary in other ways. Serving in my community (community food bank and borderlinks) and feeding the missionaries in my ward. I try to share my simple testimony on certain subjects on social media and I've given contact info for a few friends to the full-time missionaries in my ward who I think would like to know more about the Gospel.

I guess I've been doing pretty good. Here is to trying again tomorrow. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Balance and my lack of it, but I know what to do about it

My super intense month long 3 credit summer sociology class is teaching me tons about how the world and the people in it functions, for good and for bad. I was getting overwhelmed recognizing all the bad that is still prevelant in society and secretly freaking out because I don't know how to fix it. I know that the power of healing for our worlds problems comes through the Atonement and Jesus Christ.  This truth allowed me to recognize the need to use the Gospel of Jesus Christ to balance out my overwhelmed freak outs and have my hopes restored in humanity again.

Tonight peace finally came when I recognized I need to balance what intense learning is happening in my secular and scholastic world with equal intensity in Gospel learning. Good thing I've felt impressed to study and apply the teachings of Preach My Gospel in my life these last two weeks. No joke, for a few days I really thought I was supposed to go on a full time mission because the impression was so strong. Today though all the feelings and impressions accumulated into one beautiful realization on what to do. Guess who's going to start living a full time missionary life the rest of the summer?!

You guessed it me!

I feel The Lord has been so patient with teaching me that not only I need to do it, but why. He really does love and know us the best. 

Because the peace I now feel about that decision has lit within me a determination to do it. Here is to one amazing summer. 

p.s. Being a missionary requires daily journal keeping too doesn't it? I guess this little journey will be recorded here too then. Ya know since this is my claim to keeping a journal :)

p.p.s. It's already past my bedtime, eek. Goodnight because I'll be up bright and early at 630.