Monday, October 28, 2013

Food Storage

3 Months worth of Grains. Check. 

1 Week worth of Water with more being added to it. Check. 

Canned veggies and fruit. Nope. Nada. 

Guess what my plans are with food storage this next year?! He. He. 

I'm trying to heed the counsel of the Prophets and have the storage I need, I need to get more... A lot more ;)

I'm hoping to move into a house this summer where I can start a garden and have me some chickens, then I can start canning my own good stuff! Yay!! Until then I should start getting a little more at the farmers market in produce and come up with a weekly canning session to at least get myself acclimated to doing it. Thankfully I have jars and a pressure cooker already, aye? Now I just need to do it. 

Food storage you are in the plans for this new year.

Humbling Perspective

Humor me if this post doesn't make complete sense and it sounds like I'm being really vague, I'll try to keep re-reading and re-writing this post until I completely grasp the lesson Im supposed to be learning. God willing. 

I had been upset this last month with a few people because of some things they had said, either to me, about me, or about my family... I've realized we were all at fault and I'm learning how to forgive myself and them right now. I know trusting in the Atonement will help forgiveness to happen though so I'm trying really hard to do that. 

I've learned I don't like not liking people, especially people I interact with a lot... But not always liking people happens sometimes and I understand that. I know we are not commanded to like people, but to love them. I still try to be cordial and nice though. Its hard, but has been worth it to try the route of being nice the last few years. 

Anywho, I've realized in this specific experience in life, I've been a little selfish in giving love to those who have offended me though. I feel the negative effects of it in my soul. I'm not a fan of negative feelings in my soul folks. Period! I had to write the word for effect since that cute little dot didn't convey it enough for me. Haha. I much prefer the feelings of comfort and peace that usually fill my heart, and I've realized how reliant I am on my Savior to obtain that comfort and peace. I am trying to forgive, I am trying to accept what role I have played in creating the atmosphere where others felt it would be ok to criticize me or my family. 

Once I recognized the role I played though, self doubt started to creep in; All of my imperfections, things I see or others have pointed out about my personality specifically. Satan, he's a tricky bugger who preys when we are weak. I have to try and feel better about who I am because I'm not perfect and do make mistakes. That trying to feel better about myself got me talking to a few people last Sunday who's opinions I value greatly and it worked. Their insight on loving people (or ourselves) despite knowing their their imperfections, really allowed me to ponder and be taught later by the Spirit. 

I knew none if us were perfect, but I wasn't grasping the principle in the right perspective until this epiphany came: 

Each person, each persons personality that is, needs work. We, you for me, me for you, are each other's "lessons" to be learned. Whether they are personalities we like and get along with, or they are personalities that drive us nuts, they are part of our lives to help refine us. They can teach us key principles of how to be more like Jesus Christ. 

A scripture in the Book of Mormon came to mind while writing this post: 

"And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things" (Book of Mormon, Moroni, Moroni 7 verse 45). 

Thanks to a lesson on patience I just have in YW I learned that four of the above named Christlike attributes relate to patience...

Patience with other people isn't easy, patience with ourselves isn't easy, but I have humbly learned that its ok to be imperfect and be a person that helps other people, and ourselves, to become refined because of those exact imperfections. Each little step towards an increase of patience for others and ourselves removes a little more dross of imperfection each time. 

Yeah. I'm imperfect and in this life, that is ok. It's helping to prepare me for the next. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Letter of Intent and Portfolio.

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter to introduce myself and explain why I would be a great addition to the 3-D Sculptural Design program at the University of Arizona. I'm Sarah, and I have always loved creating. I define creation as using my mind and hands together to create "something" from "nothing". I am a self titled foodie and enjoy creating in my kitchen! There is so much beauty in nature that I am in awe of. I am also a licensed cosmetologist, which challenges my mind and hands to create with an ever changing medium. With these skills, age, and life experience, I've learned I want to try and make a bigger difference in the world around me. I know that pursuing knowledge is the only way that will happen. 

I chose to start college at twenty nine so I could help contribute to building a healthy and strong community; I want to do that with my art. I didn’t recognize my full potential with the arts until I was in my first college art class in 2011. During that first class I realized I wanted to keep creating and learning all I could about everything in the art world. I went on to take classes in ceramics, drawing, life drawing, sculpture, color theory, jewelry, and art history. In December I will finish my associates degree at Pima Community College with a degree in fine arts, concentrating in ceramics. 

I truly have a passion for making art. I love the challenge of creating, especially in 3-D. I was privileged to have one of my sculptures, “Fear the Soda”, accepted and published in the 2013 edition of Sandscript Literary Art Journal. Along with having a passion to create, I have an immense love to teach what I know. I am a volunteer teacher at my church, I was a hair color educator for two years and an arts and crafts teacher for the last two summers. I feel that the University of Arizona will be the place where I can gain the further knowledge and skill I need to be able to go out into the world and continue creating and teaching that which is good.

Thank you so much for your time,



So yeah, I wrote this lovely little gem only to find out I totally don't need it! Haha. I figured it is a great journal worthy note so it's getting posted here :) along with the pics of my work I submitted in the admissions portfolio. 

Here they be. 

"Copper Rose" Copper and enamel. 2012. 

"Whittling of a Queen" Wood and varnish. 2013

"Fear the Soda" Metal, wood, and stain. 2013. 

"Torn Teal Vase" Ceramic with glaze. 2012. 

"Nurturing Knowledge" Ceramic with glaze. 2012. 

"There's no such thing as too many vegetables" Ceramic with glaze and acrylic paint. 2013. 

"Some say I'm old fashioned" Plaster, acrylic paint, and multi media. 2013. 

"Self Portrait" Charcoal on paper. 2012. 

Now sending all of this in has been pretty mind blowing. I feel the hand of the Lord in every step. He calms me when I get overwhelmed, He comforts me when I doubt myself (one form of that is my loving and kind friends and family), He reminds me of my potential and reassures me that I am His and He will guide, shape, and bless my life as long as I'm willing to let Him. 

I can't do this alone, nor have I been alone, on the adventure of knowledge. I feel so blessed that my prayers have been answered and I can see glimpses of my potential, all because God loves me. He really does love each of us and desires for us to see our own potential; by seeing out potential we recognize His hand in our lives. I. Love. God. I also know that if I don't get accepted into the art program this semester, I know I can work harder and be prepared for the next one. Yeah buddy, here is to going to the University of Arizona and taking the steps I need to be refined and become a better Sarah.