Thursday, May 17, 2012

Drawing Final

Since I officially changed my major to Fine Arts I am super excited I get to take all of these fun art classes! This semester as I was figuring out what I wanted to do with school, while I was still officially a business major, I took a drawing class since I felt it would help me whether I pursued art as a career or not. I LOVED the class! I knew from last semester that I really like realistic drawings and so I aimed to get better with shadows and highlights.

Also, ever since I was a kid I've wanted to be able to draw people and make them look real in the picture so for my "final" in the class I chose to draw my brand new nephew Ben. In the pic he is only a few days old. It's a graphite drawing with tissue paper as his blanket. Since I'm proud of this drawing I'm posting it *grin*

I TOTALLY DREW THAT! I really don't mean to come off prideful, I'm just in awe that drawing people was apparently in me somewhere, I just hadn't been patient enough with myself or disciplined enough to actually sit down and do it. I will throw it out there though, noses are freaking hard! Also, with his eyes being closed it made it way easier. I'm trying to fill up my sketch book with different parts of the face so I can get better at each part. I LOVE ART!

Hopefully art will continue loving me.