Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Faith is an ACTION word


There has been a lot of personal revelation recently regarding my faith. Where I need strengthening, realizing that I need to take some steps into the dark, knowing that my Heavenly Father will give the further light. I really want to understand, aka "try", the part of Faith that makes it an action word.

It's really funny, I just got home from work at 12:15am and I was in my room. Riley, my brother, came in and was chuckling and said that there was a recorded BYU Education week episode that is Perfect for me! He wouldn't tell me what it was, he just told me I needed to watch it. I didn't know what to expect, it was Riley telling me and he was chuckling. I figured it was from BYU television, so it wouldn't be bad, but what would be "perfect" for me? Interest was peeked, so I headed into the front room to watch it.

The address was given by Brother Brent Barlow in 2006. It's titled "For LDS Single Adults: Choosing a Marriage Partner" It was AWESOME in it's entirety, but there was one funny quote he gave that just applies so well to acting (on faith) while dating. And since dating is going to be a part of finding my ore, I've decided to do more of it!

This is the quote: "God cannot steer a parked car."

God cannot steer a parked car!!! How funny again is it that my physical car is literally parked? Literally. When taking other forms of transportation, I have to physically walk far away, and sometimes run, to catch the bus/trax.

I've been continually prompted to act, so I'm going to try and ACT. If I want to do something on a Friday night and haven't been asked out yet, I'll do some askin'! I don't think I have said this in previous posts, the asking part (actually defining it as a date, not just "hanging out" part) is out of my comfort zone. I'm thinkin' though... I'm gonna have fun! Maybe all I need is practice. Practice does make perfect I hear. wink.

I am going to be stepping in the dark right now. I do know that the light will come as I'm taking the first step, after I've taken a few steps, or after I've stood in the dark feeling around for a little bit. I know it will come though. I just need to step.

Funny little side note that just popped in my head: The type of mining I picture is the "back in the day" mining. Before they had a lot of the technology they have now. It was really dark when a person started mining. Not until after experience were there lights placed. The mountain then became lit up enough to find what they were looking for.

I don't want to be the type of miner that just blows up the mountain to find what I'm looking for. I want to experience finding my way in the dark a little bit and have faith in the placement of the light(s) to find exactly what I'm looking for. Ok, not "exactly", but "close enough". (read "Fanny's Dream", by Caralyn and Mark Buehner).

That was a fun little side note and I will be thinking about that a lot more...


There is the coolest opportunity to help me with the "stepping in the dating dark". The Desert News here in Utah has a website called MormonTimes.com They just sent an email out through the Institute that they are looking for 20 something year old to write a weekly dating blog. Hello! I'm doing that right now! How cool is that?!

It's a contest to start out with. There will be "advancing" to the next round. The deadline for entries is Feb 26 and the winner will be announced April 30. What's in it for the winner you ask?: "She or he will get thousands of readers with a permanent columnist spot on our Web site, as well as a bit of dating money for each weekly blog. Still not enough? She or he will also be awarded with a weekly deadline!"

Yet another adventure to help me grow! Who knows what will happen, but I know I'll have fun! Wish me luck! Ok, and maybe a few prayers won't hurt either. *grin*
