Thursday, June 21, 2012

Maine. It's pretty amazing!

Short post...

God is amazing! Maine is amazing! The camp I am working for is amazing! The people I am working with are amazing!

I won't have time to post probably until I get home in August, but I'll be writing in my journal and will post a couple of my entries for ya'll.

This experience in my life is amazing! 

Oh sweet goodness this is going to be a summer to remember! *grin*

Sunday, June 3, 2012

You're not crazy. You're just impatient.

That EXACT verbiage came to mind during a prayer/pondering moment about my ore. Just thought I would let ya'll know; I'm not crazy, I'm just impatient. bwahaha

I guess I really need to work on more patience and not bwahaha laugh at it right? I'll let ya know how that goes.

I'm a little afraid to pray for an increase of patience; I've prayed for that before, remember a few posts throughout this little "findin' my ore" adventure about me and patience? Apparently I'm not gaining enough of it. Which has me asking what else might have to happen for me to learn it?!


Yup, I'm scurred.

I'm positive it will help me with my future family and even more with life right now though, so prayer for patience, you're being said.