Thursday, December 29, 2011

Life Changing Resolutions

I do agree with looking at the new year with hope in making some much needed changes in our lives, however I do not agree that it is the only time of year we should be doing it. Every. Single. Day. We have the chance to change and become better. We have the chance to set goals and accomplish them. We are given this time in mortality to learn and to grow, to progress higher.

Two things have recently happened that have me thinking more on the subject of goals and using my time more wisely. First, there was a General Conference talk by Ian S. Arden of the Seventy that I have re read recently that talks about "We must devote our time to the things that matter most." Second thing is this past Stake Conference for the Sauharita Stake, President Hardy spoke about setting goals and how important they are. He emphasized that they help us to achieve greater/accomplish more when we have a goal in sight.

Since it is the end of 2011 and the new year is FAST approaching (holy momma I feel like life is flying by; what happened to the days when we were kids and days seemed to last forever?). I completely see a need to devote my time to things that matter most and set goals to achieve those things because I will be able to achieve greater and accomplish more of the Lords work if I have those goals in sight.

Some of these things that matter most I recognize already, but may not be doing the best at them or working on them at all. Which means that I will be starting some new things this coming year while others things that I already recognize will be worked on even harder, with goals set.

I thankfully recognize that I will find success in these life changing resolutions as long as I rely upon the Lord for my support. I know as I look to Him and His teachings for the example of setting goals and realizing what matters most; everything will work out. I do also humbly realize that I am far (remember the FAAAAARR...) from perfect and will have to forgive myself when I fail.

{Failures will come because I am human and may not always put my support in the Lord first (pride is one of my vices) but I recognize that attitude will still make the difference in reaching goals. Always remember that a broken heart and contrite spirit will guarantee goal success.}

To the New Year!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

I Glory in My Jesus!

"I glory in plainness; I glory in truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell." 2 Nephi 33:6

This scripture has now been committed to memory because of a pure love I have in knowing that I GLORY IN MY JESUS! These last 2 months have been AMAZING in strengthening my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ especially in strengthening my testimony about my Savior!

I have had the opportunity to share my testimony over and over and over again recently and have seen how amazing it is that the Lord prepares each of us to do His work. Over the last 2 months I have learned more about Faith, Hope, and Charity than I could have ever imagined. I comprehend that there is sooooo much more to them to even what I have learned and am in awe that the Lord has helped me to learn what I have.

Prior to these last two months I was feeling a little overwhelmed with life, family, friends, school, and what I felt was a stand still with my progression in life I guess. I decided that I would take the counsel of President Hinkley's father and "get to work". I knew that I should be doing more and that there were amazing chances to see what Faith, Hope, and Charity truly are.

I remember posting a long time ago that charity is when we do things because we love people of our own accord instead of loving them because we know that God wants us too. I've know to increase my faith it needs to be tried and I should testify of what I know. Hope I have realized is patience in a sense, but sweeter because it is waiting with purpose and love. Hope is an eternal perspective.

I am FAAAAAAAAR from perfect (that FAAAAAAAR... can go on forever, but for blog space I shortened it), but I have tasted the sweet fruit of faith, hope, and charity in the sense that some of the things I have done recently I've done because I have a love for God's children, I have been able to testify of what I know and strengthen my faith, and I am patiently waiting, knowing that my Father in Heaven sees the big picture and is not holding anything back that is not for my good, has helped me to have hope. It's been a HUGE life lesson and I pray that I can continue on the path to partake more fully of this sweet fruit.

To be able to be in a place to experience these things, I have found that service, aka getting to work, has increased my faith, hope, and charity and has allowed me to see them in my life. Service = Good! I have been able to serve in my community, serve in my ward, serve with the missionaries, serve in the Temple and serve my family and friends. I have felt these last couple weeks especially that service outside the Temple makes me feel as good as service in the Temple. I didn't know that I could find the same peace inside myself outside the Temple until I started to serve more. Which is a duh Sarah, you didn't know that? How amazing this life lesson has been and I am now thankful to know for myself that "When ye are in the service of your fellow men, ye are in the service of your God."

I had said I had shared my testimony over and over again. No joke, I have been able to testify of Christ everyday for at least a month now and seem to be on some kind of missionary roll! I LOVE SHARING THE GOSPEL! I am especially thankful for being able to share so much of my testimony with Ken. He is figuring out his life and what he wants for it, and what he feels that God wants for it and I completely commend him for that. He is freaking smart and I hope that he does what will bring him the most joy and happiness in this life. He has "challenged" my faith though, in a good way, which has allowed my testimony of the truth-fullness of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Prophets, Modern Revelation, the Holy Ghost, Eternal Families, the Temple, the Bible and the Book of Mormon and most importantly Jesus Christ and His infinite sacrifice for each of us to be FIRMLY planted in SOLID rock!  The rock which is my Redeemer.

What a blessing these last two months have been in my life! I have never felt so good! Don't get me wrong there are still rough days because life can sometimes be hard. I have prayed, pondered, fasted, and studied my scriptures more than in my whole life too. That whole being imperfect thing is still very much a part of me (take today for instance, I was not super nice Sarah, even on Christmas when I knew better), but because of these recent life lessons "I glory in my Jesus for he hath redeemed my soul from hell." I know I have the chance to repent each and every day. I have the chance to try and be better each and every day. I have the chance to be forgiven and have my sins "as thou they be as scarlet, they will be as white as snow" every single day.

With all of this learning it makes sense why this Christmas season has been entirely different for me than any other in my life. I can truly appreciate my Saviors birth as I have never done before and I recognize a thousand times over that this appreciation should be and can be happening every single day of my life and that I can be sharing it with others.

Gifts this year were not bought, but they are sharing a part of me with those I love. I pray I can sacrifice my wants for those who are in need of knowing our Savior. I want to continue to learn more of faith, hope, and charity and want to earnestly try to do better each day. I know I am not perfect and will have my set backs, but I know I have to try.

"Wherefore, there must be faith; and if there must be faith, there must also be hope; and if there must be hope there must also be charity. And except ye have charity ye can in nowise be saved in the kingdom of God; neither can ye be saved in the kingdom of God if ye have not faith; neither can ye if ye have no hope. And if ye have no hope ye must need be in despair; and despair cometh because of iniquity. And Christ truly said unto our fathers: If ye have faith ye can do all things which are expedient unto me."
                                                                                        Moroni 10:20-23

I know I have to try! I know the Lord is in each of our lives and can direct us for good if we allow Him into our lives. I know that by relying upon our Savior Jesus Christ we can enjoy this life we have been given. I know that hard times may come, but that they are only for a season compared to eternity. Mortality is a probationary state, a time for us to prepare to meet God. I know if we live the commandments given to us in the scriptures and through modern revelation that we will not only have the best chance of success, but we will succeed in this life as we rely upon our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that prayer works. I know that if we ask our Father in Heaven for His help, if we ask Him for His guidance, if we ask Him for peace, He will give it according to our needs and His will. Our Father in Heaven knows what we each need to be the best (not just good, but the best), He knows what we can handle and how to teach each of us. We are His children and were before we came to earth, are while we are here, and will be in the here after. He loves us and wants us to succeed. I know we have the tools to learn to be like our Savior, "What manner of men ought ye to be? Even as I am". Faith, hope, and charity are those attributes that are attainable in this life that will help us to become more like Jesus. I had a friend who wrote a blog post about "Love is all you need" and that it was not true. I completely second her perspective and want to replace the word love with Christ. Christ is all you need. Christ is all we need to be happy and have JOY in this life.

How very thankful I am for this life lesson and the sweet peace that comes from knowing my Savior Lives!

God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Good Example of Knowledge

Last week I had the chance to get to talk to and get to know a guy in my business class, Ken, (he knows about my blog and this post so all is good ;), a little better and can I tell you something? He is pretty amazing. Not in the sense that I know that much about him or that many details about how he has become who he is. Confused? Let me esplain. I should define why I think he is amazing huh? I say he is amazing because he has a desire to seek for truth and has been able to find some of it on his own. He is actively searching for knowledge which always impresses me. Still confused? Read on, hopefully it will clear itself up *grin*

I'll first have to tell ya more about me before I tell you more about him.

I have been actively living the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for almost 9 years or so. Again, I grew up in the church, but in my youth being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was more a habit than testimony. Going to church because it was expected, not because I wanted to. As a child I loved going to church though and I don't discredit my lack of pursuing truth and knowledge then, I was a kid and didn't know how. However, I feel after my baptism, where I had made covenants with God, I was old enough to know how to seek out what I wanted and the Gospel sadly wasn't always in my view. I don't count it as an active time of living the Gospel. Active to me includes pursuing truth and knowledge and I wasn't doing that until my early 20's.

Since then however I feel differently about myself. I know I am doing better, hence my previous knowledge post about recognizing I need to study and search The Book of Mormon to increase my knowledge and understanding of God more. I have seen my progression over the last 8 years as moving upward not just standing still. I realized from the previous post that even though I know I need to increase my study of the BOM to gain further knowledge, I have been really blessed to have more resources than most people to gain knowledge about God and Eternal perspective.

I not only have The Holy Bible (If you would like a free copy of the KJV, click here) to learn about Christ and the Plan of Salvation, but I have many many other sources to glean that knowledge from. I have The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ (If you would like a copy of the BoM, click here), I have modern scripture through the current and past Prophets of this dispensation (aka General Conference twice a year). I have the written revelations of Joseph Smith in The Doctrine and Covenants, along with the revelation and translation of the words of Moses, Abraham, and Matthew in The Pearl of Great Price. I even have the footnotes in my scriptures that connect different passages that are related. I have the Bible Dictionary that defines historical things and even beautifully and simply defines such things as charity; the pure love of Christ. I have had Institute classes and the manuals created for them: Old and New Testament, Doctrine and Covenants, Eternal Marriage, etc.

I have church manuals that are put out for my learning during Sunday School and Relief Society classes. I have teachers’ manuals that have lessons which have been designed especially for little children to understand the doctrine of Christ which means that I have had the chance to learn how to be a teacher of His doctrine. We have The Family: A Proclamation to the World and many other resources to help us gain deeper understanding and knowledge of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

I have my own Patriarchal Blessing that is revelation given to me about my own life, about where I came from, what I can accomplish in this life through faithfulness. It also tells me how to prepare for this journey through mortality. Most importantly I have had the Temple, The House of God to learn in for almost 5 years now, a place where uninterrupted learning from on high can take place.

We truly do have UNLIMITED resources to the Gospel of Jesus Christ if we choose to use them!(Which I have even more humbly realized are at our fingertips as I've linked all of these resources to this post)

Here is the tie in with Ken.

He has had only The Bible to study (don’t worry, I've tried to remedy that ;) That man however, knows so much about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! He is not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but in our conversations he knew things that I had been studying for years through all of the above mentioned sources. He only has had the Bible! How sweet it is to know that those who seek knowledge truly do find it and that Christ will give us the light we need, His light as we search diligently to find the answers we have searched for. He is an amazing example of 'the believer".

I know I wouldn’t have as much knowledge (which I humbly realize isn't that much) without having read and studied The Book of Mormon and other resources over and over and again, I know I need to study harder to learn more. I am thankful however for all of the resources we have to learn more of Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the Holy Bible and that the truth contained in it can be felt by everyone if they but diligently seek. I truly wonder if I would even know a part of what I know now if I only had The Bible though? I am thankful the Lord knows each of us and what we need to know and how we are able to learn it.

I just realized that even though life can sometimes seem harder because we choose to follow Jesus Christ, because of the great responsibility placed on us and all of the opposition that comes from Satan. I am so thankful for that responsibility because it means I am CHOOSING to be chosen. Heavenly Father hasn't asked us to do any of this alone though. He hasn't asked us to face mortality without His guidance and instruction being available to us. How sweet it is to know that no matter where I am, I have the resources around me I need to be the best me. I hope that by being the best me I can help to better this world by testifying and by being a representative and a disciple of Jesus Christ.

How truly thankful I am for good people and good examples in my life. Thank you Ken for the amazing insight and amazing conversations!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Knowledge is Power!

I have recently realized that I am on a knowledge KICK! I can't seem to get enough of it. I am reading, talking to people and trying to get as much info from them that I don't know about as I can to watching documentaries, etc. I am a sponge at the moment. It's kinda weird, but oh soooo cool! I have been doing these things as much as I can. For example, in my possession right now (besides my school books and thanks to the library) I have books on robots, calligraphy, and two fictions that have been awesome on perspective. I have a couple dvds on influential scientists, a documentary on becoming a member of one of the military's special forces units. I also have a Charles Dickens book that has been turned into a movie, Little Dorrit and the BBC car show Top Gear complete season 15.

This obsession might have to do with starting school and having the thought process of being a student? I don't know for sure, but seriously it's been like this rotating library and new information obsession for a couple months. I just hadn't realized it until the below thought process occurred.

Humbling moment time! A very humbling thought did cross my mind... The Prophet Joseph Smith said, “I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”

Than by ANY other book! or... person or... documentary...

The knowledge I have searching for, the knowledge I have been striving for has been "of the world" to a point. I don't think it is bad to seek that knowledge, but in my case, I was seeking more knowledge from the world than from God. The scale of where my knowledge is being gained has been off balance.

I know that if I put as much effort into searching knowledge out from The Book of Mormon and abiding by it, I would be nearer to God! He who KNOWS ALL!

Yeah, how amazing is it to know that we have a source, The Book of Mormon, to be nearer to God and His knowledge?

I've been slacking.
Initiating change is now commencing.
Delving, searching, praying about, and pondering The Book of Mormon, here I come!

If you want a Prophet of Gods testimony about The Book of Mormon, look here

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Choosing to be Chosen!

WE CHOOSE TO BE CHOSEN! For this thought process credit can be attributed to the Holy Ghost AND my friend Megan and her sweet insight on a scripture in 1Nephi! (She commented on  this post a few months ago with that exact phrase give or take the capitalization and boldness. I also talk a little about it in this blog post) Even though I had read it when she wrote it, the realization of it has only recently hit me, and thankfully, it has hit me hard! The Holy Ghost has reaffirmed this truth to me over and over again these past few weeks.

I have had amazing conversations after amazing conversation about this subject with multiple people. I even brought it up in my Institute class the week before last when we were in the Book of Abraham where we were reading about fore-ordination. I feel this realization is one of those tender mercies the Lord is letting me continually see in my life. Maybe so my testimony of being chosen will be firm and on a solid foundation.

The knowledge of being chosen is truly powerful; it allows us to recognize or divine parentage and that there is a divine work for us to accomplish on earth. Our Father in Heaven is loving and still allows for us to choose though. He allows us our agency. We can choose what we do or what we don't do, but we cannot always choose the consequences of our actions.

Two weeks ago I was talking to someone I love very much that has chosen a different course in life than what I would hope for them. They have chosen to go their own way and I am finding it very hard to accept. I see them struggle in ways that are not necessary, but I cannot change their minds. They have their agency. I did however have a very sweet conversation with them that I hope affected them as much as it affected me. It went something like this (these may not be the exact words, but the main theme of the conversation will be recognized and hopefully the sweet spirit of it too)...

Me: "you know how you get mad at me because you say I hold you to a different standard than I do other people?'
Them: "yeah"
Me: "I figured out why."
Them: "why?"
Me: "because you are different! You are AMAZING! You are SPECIAL! You are a CHOICE SPIRIT of GOD! You are one of His CHOSEN! You were meant to be different!"
Them: "Why?! I don't want to be different! I want to be like other people."
Me: "WHY?!"
Them: "because it is easier."
Me: "I see the difference... You are chosen, but you are not choosing to be chosen. I want to throw it out there that life has a lot more meaning when you chose to be chosen. It makes decision making easier when you don't have rely on yourself, it makes everything have purpose. You recognize your worth in this world, you recognize your worth in the eternal perspective when you see that you are chosen. When you see that Heavenly Father trusts you with His children it should help to solidify the love He has for you. He wants to help us, but we have to recognize when the time comes to ask for help or in other words when we choose to be chosen."

I was in awe of the spirit that filled our conversation that day. I am in awe the Lord has seen fit to have me learn this specific lesson over and over the past few weeks. I was in my institute class last week and we were reading, Joseph Smith Matthew. The tie in with this lesson was that we talked about the word elect (v. 22).

We as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, those of us who try each and every day to obey His commandments, listen to and heed His prophets, communicate with Him through prayer and scripture study are, His elect. To be His elect, we have to choose to be chosen. We have to live a life very different from the worlds standards. We have to live a life where Jesus Christ is the center of our universe. He should be at the center of every choice, every decision, every thought because we will be making them with Him in view.

I pray that I will always recognize my worth and choose to be chosen! I pray that you too may choose to be chosen. Be His Elect!

I. Love. The Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Reflection from the good ole G.C. part 2

Sunday Morning and Afternoon Sessions of the 181st Semi Annual General Conference were fabulous!

President Henry B. Eyring

We promised to rise to "it", now it's time for me to RISE! How? see below *grin*
Be charitable, Be a Witness of God, Endure! (Think of Moroni, he encouraged charity and faith in Jesus Christ, even when being faced with death all the way to the end.)

Elder Robert D. Hales

We may weepeth for a night, but JOY will come in the morning!
Let us be kinder to one another and kinder to ourselves.

Elder Tad R. Callister

The genius of the Book of Mormon is that it has no gray; it is either black or white. True or false. We must make the choice; it's either God or the devil.
Feast upon the words of Christ
One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism and the Book of Mormon confirms or clarifies all that is in the Holy Bible, or all that had been changed.

Sister Elaine S. Dalton
*** This was one of my favorite talks this G.C., and maybe one of my favorite talks EVER! It just made me feel good inside to know that I am looking for the right guy. Someone who will love me enough, and by his words and his deeds be setting an example for our children on how they should be loved ***

How can a father raise a daughter in THIS world?
Your daughters won't settle for anything less is she recognizes her worth!
Be the guardian of virtue (clean thoughts and pure actions.)
Abish's strength of conversion came through her father! Through Abish's conversion came the Stripling Warriors.

Elder M. Russel Ballard

Names are important, they distinguish each of us.
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! and this is the name that the Lord will call us at the Last day.
Remember to retain the name of Christ always in my heart.

President Thomas S. Monson

"We love ya Bob" How sweet that was to hear!
We DO NOT ring our hands in despair! We have the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
The laws of men have changed, but the Laws of God have not and will not.
God is unchangeable, His constancy is something we can rely on!
"There is nothing else that can bring joy and peace to our souls than following and keeping the commandments of our Savior!" What a promise!
COMMUNICATE with the Lord
      This is where I felt the most amazing peace. I really felt that President Monson's talk was an answer to my own personal prayers and was being said for my own learning. I know I had to write the post on communication before I went to bed on Saturday and how sweet it was to hear it talked about by the Prophet!
All will be well. Be worthy of it. Trust it. Do it with the communication of our Father in Heaven!
"Fear not, I am with thee..."

Elder Russel M. Nelson

Make, Keep, and Honor the covenants I have made to the Lord!
We are "children of the covenant" and we have the right to receive the blessings of Abraham because we have been adopted in.
Patriarchal Blessings bring a view of the future and a connection to the past.
Missionary work, the ancient promise of "Gathering Israel".
Gather His children of COVENANT Israel.
When we realize we are the committed children of the covenant, we know our potential and where we came from.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks

What do I really believe about Jesus Christ? What am I doing about it in my life?
Remember what Christ taught... who He was and why He came into this world!
Seek ye first the Kingdom on God.
I must desire and obey so that I may have the same knowledge of Christ of who He was, and why He came into this world.

Brother Matthew O. Richardson

Becoming "real". Real learning is from real teaching.
We are all teachers, but we have to recognize that the Holy Ghost is the ultimate teacher!
Teach BY the Spirit!
There are 2 fundamental ways the Spirit teaches... line upon line, here a little and there a little and by prompting/inspiring us to act. He cannon learn/act for us, but can invite opportunities to do so.
Learn values, not just about values.
Turn around and see how far you've come, then take one step at a time to move forward and upward!
Real Parents Real Teachers Real Leaders Real Learners

Elder Kazuniko Yamashita

Stand on the Mountains!
Through our love toward others, we impart the love of God.
Continue to be missionaries and act as Disciples of Jesus Christ!

Elder Randall K Bennett

Evaluate the choices we are making... will there be a current that takes you far away from your loved ones and the safety of the shore?
Decisions lead to destiny... we have a divine nature and destiny as children of God.
We can inherit eternal life IF we choose to follow Christ! Hearken to God and CHOOSE eternal life!
Am self disciplined enough to be able to detect early when I am going down the wrong path?
Am I seeking divine revelation?
Am I following the world?
Am I helping to rescue others?

Elder J. Devn Cornish

Heavenly Father WANTS to bless us! Pray!
The Lords Prayer! Commit to do my part, repent, forgive, seek for leadership and guidance... "For this is Thy glory and power forever."
Secrets to a joyful life are recognizing doing things the Lords way, and not my own.
Prayer is the provider of spiritual peace! Miracles are wrought by prayer!

Elder Quentin L. Cook

Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?
    ~Our Father in Heaven knows and loves us and our pains
    ~He has a Son, Jesus Christ who FILLS ALL THE UNFAIRNESS OF LIFE
    ~There is Eternal Glory available
Those without knowledge of the first and second acts will not understand the play if they walk in during the third act.
Happy endings are not always possible in this life, but prayers and pristhood blessing can still be given.
The Titanic did not have enough life boats, but the Saviors Atonement has enough for all!
Look through the clear lens of the Gospel; don't look through the limited lens of the world.

President Thomas S. Monson

A most inspiring Conference!
Heavenly Father is mindful of us! Acknowledge His hand in all things!
We are Gods hands here on the earth.
Each position in the church is fulfilling the work of the Lord.
Do Gods will, serve Him, and serve His children
Prayers: Remember Gods servants.
Every man, woman, and child has a part to play in God's Plan!
He is willing to come to us and go far to help us! He has promised Peace!

How sweet it is to partake of the goodness that is Conference. I feel a new sense of self. A new awakening in my spirit to GO TO WORK! I sense that Satan knows that about me too and that is why these last few weeks have been kinda hard. I am sorry I haven't finished this post sooner. How good it has been for my spirit! I see now the true love of my Father in Heaven! How sweet it was to re read these talks and see that the Lord really was answering my prayers and adding to the areas that I am learning right now. Was it me, or did you guys see the strong connection a lot of the speakers had with the sermons of King Benjamin? It was amazing! Time to study and I mean STUDY his words and do so with a spirit of learning and humility.

Thank you my dear kind and wise Father in Heaven for loving all of us enough to prepare us during this life by teaching us where to find the tools we will need to combat Satan so we can return to live with Thee again! Thank you Jesus Christ for taking on yourself my imperfections and mistakes. How sweet it is to KNOW Thou knowest me and Thou knowest what I need right now in my life. I, a 29 year old, single student, who is trying to learn to love people and life more and more each day. THANK YOU!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I'm proud of myself for this one...

So, it's not the coolest drawing, but by golley, I am proud of it. It's the first graphite drawing I have ever done and I don't think it's to shabby. The assignment for art was to take 3 black and white images and make a 4x4 collage of them and then take that image and use pencil to increase it to an 8x8. We are learning about shading at the moment. Have I mentioned how much I love my art class? Have I? No? Well, I DO!!!

This is the final draft, I darkened my shadows and tried to remove all the lines by using shading instead. I listened to my teacher and it looked way better, it's like he's been teaching art for 30 years or something? lol. 

This is the pic that I was going to turn in and then my professor recommended what I did to the above pic. I like what I turned in a lot better. Yay for art and learning and the B pencils!

This image is a of bubbles in glass, with a ship and the obvious plate with an oyster and lemon *grin*
 Here is the original 4x4 with my grid lines on it

Somehow my art work has been about the Gospel and food; Which is pretty funny to know that is a lot of what I think about. lol.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Christ is the LIGHT!

I happened to be re reading "Explanation of Findin' My Ore" tab above and had an amazing and sweet realization. Not that I haven't known that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, but in applying that knowledge to Findin' My Ore, the thought came:

CHRIST IS THE LIGHT! He is the LIGHT I need in the mountain to see the ore! He is the LIGHT that will make things visible!

EVERYTHING truly does testify of Jesus Christ! I know He Lives! I know He Loves us! I know if I trust Him, I can live eternally with He and our Father in Heaven again!

How sweet it is!

Thinkin' a lot... About a lot of things.

Disclaimer: This is a super old post! It's from August 28; I didn't realize I hadn't posted it, so here I go, posting it 2 months later :)

Where my head has been.

Utah! Oh how I miss you! I miss my family and friends! I miss the weather! I miss the pretty mountains! I miss the fact that it takes less than 15minutes to get to 2 Temples from my brothers house and make it a 30 minute drive and you just added 3 more! How I love the Temple! Well, I don't always miss everything about Utah... the construction on I-15, so not my favorite! I don't miss the gas prices either. It's like 20cents more a gallon up there. And wait, I found out that the community college up there is waaaaay more expensive than down here.

OK, I'll keep livin' it up down in Tucson. I have family and friends here too! And I have facebook (unless of course the threat from the hackers for a take down on Nov. 5 is real, then I'll at least have it til Nov ;) The weather is heading to the cooler side of things, I do have a "set" Temple trip once a month where I get to meet new friends and catch up with old ones. Along with trying a new restaurant all in the same day. Construction is at a minimum down here right now, and gas prices are some of the cheapest on the west coast. Plus, Pima CC is waaaaay cheaper!

Speaking of Pima, school started! I know, I know. I already posted my art homework, but I wanted to catch you up with the other classes too.

It's all kinds of cool. I feel really good about my classes, about my ability to succeed in them, and all of the teachers this round teach in a very structured manner. Which is sooooo what I need! I don't do well when things are not organized. I can do it, it is just way harder!

I thought it would be weird because of the age thing, me being grown up ya know, but first day, it wasn't bad. All of my classes, except intro business, I am one of the oldest students in class. All the professors are older than me thankfully though. lol. My Sign Language class is going to be fun. My teacher is deaf and we are not allowed to use our voices during the 2 1/2hrs in the classroom. Hopefully I catch on quick with Sign, otherwise, it's going to be really hard for me to stay quiet for that long. haha.

I am still really thankful to the Lord for being patient with me going to school. I love how it just feels right. I don't want to set myself up for failure. So, I have a plan. I'm challenging myself to do homework the same day, or by the end of the next day and to absolutely keep up on all reading! I feel that if I don't keep up on it, it could overwhelm me. I also gave myself time between my classes, so I can actually do some stuff during them too.

I do however see the probability of adding in an afternoon nap now. My ASL teacher told us how tired we are going to get because we are taking in so much visually. Weird huh?

Anywho. Other thoughts...

I have finally decorated my living room and dining room/kitchen! I'm in a small little apartment, but it's cute now! I went with browns, reds, yellows, teals, tans, and black. It works really well together. I got the inspiration from a really cute apron, that I got as a gift last year. I even have stuff on the walls! It's been really fun! I feel like I am "nesting" and have this freaky, FREAKY desire to have everything in order. I guess it comes with age. haha

The End.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

More on Communication!

Going back to my "Communication is Key!" post, I wrote about verbalizing, this post is more about listening and how it is an action word.
Last week I was talking with one of my moms close friends about communication. It was the coolest conversation and I was able to put together a spiritual thought process on the subject with the help of the previous weeks Institute class. Here ya go...

Distance from God comes from LACK of communication! This thought process stems from a question that Brother Gardener, my Institute Instructor asked... How is it that someone who is active in the church, gets to a point where they are no longer active?

Simple answer, they stopped listening. When we pray, we are usually the "talker", starting the conversation, but how is it that we hear the answers to those prayers?

Thought process went something like this, not in any particular order.

1. Study the scriptures because our Heavenly Father is speaking to us through those words! He can tell us what we should be doing, how we should be doing it, and why we should be doing it.
2. Listen To/Read the words of the Prophets because our Heavenly Father is speaking to us through their words just as much as He is through the scriptures! His Prophets and Apostles are Special witnesses of Jesus Christ and speak on His behalf! I personally want to know what He wants me to know. 
3. Silent Meditation because, how can our Father in Heaven speak to us if we don't give Him the time too? Reflection and pondering are a big part in communicating... they give us time to see where we want to go with the conversation or topic.
4. Fast because it's a way to show Heavenly Father our utmost attention, it will deepen an already good conversation and help to make the path clear so we can find/feel the answer(s) to our prayers.
5. Attend our Church Meetings and Participate because our Heavenly Father has placed His children in our lives for a reason, He has called them to the positions in the Ward/Stake for a reason. Give Him a chance to use them as His voice too.
6. Be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost! Because, He is the connection between Heavenly Father and ourselves... It's a lot harder to know what He is saying through His Spirit when the world is playing a little to loud in our hearts and minds.
Cool huh? This really was a very sweet realization so I wanted to share it. I know it is so simple and they are the "seminary" answers, but it's always good to know WHY they work. I really want to communicate better with my Father in Heaven and now I understand how to.

Any perspective on this thought process?

Reflection from the good ole G.C. part 1

So the last few weeks and even today I've had a few ups and downs. A large player in the "downs" for this week has been the fact that I've had a headache/migraine for a week now. Boo! I mean SUPER BOO! I have however had a few very enjoyable moments today that have helped to offset my pains... One being, today my oldest nephew, Cake, turned 10! Happy Birthday Babo! Second being, GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!

I love... LOVE ... Love General Conference! I wanted to let you know a few of the things that popped out for me personally that I want to work on... I love re reading the talks (which I am not always good at doing, but I usually try) and getting a different insight to the talks written than I did in hearing them. Well, here I go. (Clicking here, you can watch them too)

Elder Richard G Scott

Keep the Prophet and Apostles (and their families) in my prayers!
Try to memorize a new scripture every week (or every two weeks if it's a long one) by having it "play" on repeat in me noggin'.

I also really want to read the Bible more. I read it sometimes, but not regularly. I want to know all the goodness that is in that book of scripture too! Well maybe not "all" of it, cause that is a lot and I don't know if my brain could handle it all, but I should at least try!

Sister Barbara Thompson

I want to nourish and strengthen my testimony (especially in the knowledge of my Savior, Jesus Christ.) So that when I feel weak, my testimony can sustain me.

Elder L Whitney Clayton

Be one of those who uses Joseph Smith's name for GOOD!
Testify of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!

President Thomas S. Monson

Sacrifice and go to the Temple twice a month and donate to the General Temple Patron Fund once a month. How amazing it is to know that we can physically help people to be able to go to the Temple and receive the blessing there in?!

Elder Jose L Alonso

Serve more willingly.
Study Christ and His examples of service!
Remember to do the right thing at the right time and not delay in service.

President Boyd K Packer

Live a life worthy of having an eternal family. Get married and have a family.

Talk Reverently

Remember with Emphasis: Satan will LOSE!!!

President Deiter F. Uchtdorf


Elder Ian Arden

This is the TIME to prepare to meet God! Time is never for sale and we can't buy more of it. Use my time wisely. Don't waste time, because my busy should equal productive!

Place the Lord and my family at the top of my "time" priority list! " In families, love is spelled T.I.M.E."

Find the distractions in my life and grind them to dust!

Elder Carl B Cook
LOOK UP! Even when the burden(s) feel heavy and looking down seems easy... LOOK UP!

Elder LeGrand R Curtis Jr.

Do better with Visiting Teaching and uplift those who's heads hang low!

Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Repent! It is a message of LOVE!
Strive to change, but recognize within myself that sometimes repeated attempts are needed.
Abandon sin and commit to keeping the commandments!
Allow my faith in Jesus Christ to turn my despair into HOPE!

Elder L Tom Perry

Be a VISIBLE member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, don't be afraid to stand out and be different.
Be BOLD in my declaration of Jesus Christ
Let my light so shine before men that they may see my good works, so they can recognize that I glory in my Father in Heaven.
Keep up my BLOG and posting spiritual impressions on facebook and add more to my profile on

Ask questions back! Not just in religious conversations, but in every conversation. Work on not being selfish in conversations. (this is where that whole, talking a lot thing, gets me into trouble. I don't like it, so want to work on it)
Avoid arguing and conflict, be holy in all manner of conversation!

Elder David A Bednar

DO FAMILY HISTORY WORK! Get their names to the Temple!

Elder Neil L Andersen

Keep preparing for motherhood and search for a righteous father for my future chillins!
I love the quote, "Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling!"

I am so thankful to be a member of the true church of Christ and I really LOVE that we have Prophets and Apostles on the earth today who are leading and guiding us! Here is to feeling/hearing/seeing more love and guidance from the speakers tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

No More Emotional Investment in Crushes = Sanity!

I guess I should update you about the "There is this Guy" post...

Tyler is just a friend... well I hope we are at least friends. He has been weird and hasn't responded to emails lately, but whatev. He is a guy and when they are only interested in being friends or acquaintances, I don't think they invest in more communication than socially necessary. I figure he doesn't like me by his obvious lack of communicating. I really don't have a problem with  him not liking me though.

Thankfully this getting older thing, I'm not worried about it. It's an odd feeling to change from wanting to be liked by a specific guy a few years ago, to being okay with it, when that specific guy doesn't like me. Don't get me wrong, I still want to be liked by the right guy, at the right time, it's just that I'm not emotionally invested in "crushes" or potential "crushes" like I used to be. It's all kinds of refreshing.

p.s. Today (September 30) I realized why Tyler might not be responding... maybe he has read ze blog! If that is the case Tyler, don't worry, I won't think you like me now if you actually respond. Just so ya know. lol.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Will Never Forget

Where were you that fateful day? September 11, 2001? I was at home with my mom and oldest brother, Scott. I was 19, still living in Salt Lake. We were all getting ready for work; it was only 6am, but the television was randomly on. I don't remember who turned it on, but somehow it was on a news station. Scott called out from the front room that there was an accident being reported out of New York City, that a plane had hit one of the World Trade Center buildings. The news was talking about how sad it was, how it could have been an accident, as we watched "live" feed of what was happening. Then... the other plane hit.

I headed out of the house to work, kind of numb, because I didn't understand what the news was saying about a possible "terrorist" attack. I didn't even fully know what a terrorist was. I never imagined anything bad could happen to us here in America. We're America, bad things just didn't happen to us like that.

I worked for Ampco System Parking at the time, and was confined to one of those little parking booths outside in a downtown lot. I had a mini television/radio with me, so I turned on the news when I got to work and watched in horror as news about the plane hitting The Pentagon and the other plane crashing before hitting it's target came on. I listened and felt the emotions that were coming through the reporters that day... and the days that followed.

Over the past 10 years, the world has changed a lot. Over the past 10 years, I have changed a lot. I am by no means thankful for the tragedy of September 11, 2001, but I am thankful for all that I have learned from it. It helped to open my eyes and sparked a desire within myself to learn about the world, to learn about relationships, and to recognize the need for charity towards my fellow men. September 11, 2001 helped me to recognize God and Jesus Christ as those who are able to bring peace, comfort, and reassurance in a troubled world.

I have been thinking a lot about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and how important it is for me to recognize the signs of the times. I sometimes get overwhelmed with all the "bad" I see, hear, read, and feel from the world, that I forget to look for the Light of Christ! There are calamities that have been foretold in scripture, more destruction that I feel will still take place, but I am trying to not fear, but to look to the Light of Christ for comfort and joy!

Now onto today. At this moment, it is 10:46pm and my head is throbbing. A lot is going on with family and friends... and even within myself. I know that I can trust in my Savior though, I can place my burdens on Him and He will carry them through mortality for me or reassure me that "my back can carry the burdens placed there on". I know I can listen and read the words of His Prophets to find the answers I need. I know I can pray, and fast, and study the scriptures. I have faith that my head will stop throbbing, metaphorically as much as physically. I know Jesus Christ can bring the peace I so need right now.

I have a very nice framed picture of Christ on my main front room wall. I find myself looking towards it more and more these days. I feel peace, I feel love, I feel everything will be okay when I look towards it. The key point there, I have to look towards Christ! And looking, I am doing now!

I've heard two songs today that bring together these two thoughts, the tragedy of September 11th,  and how my life is right now... They are "I Believe in Christ" and "Amazing Grace" (both performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir)

What a sweet feeling it is to know, Christ is coming! I should be looking forward to that great day with JOY, not fear. May God be with all of us until that day!

God Bless!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Prospective Ore: Read This!

The original post has been removed because it is now being updated under the Prospective Ore: Read This tab located at the top of the blog :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Hodge Podge of Randomness

School is going really good! I really like it! Especially Sign and Art! I am excited, I also signed up for an Institute class! It is AWESOME! It's The Pearl of Great Price class and last week was just cool! The Spirit was very strong and I feel I learned a lot! I'm glad I followed the impression to take this specific class, on this specific day. Randomly, it is a class of the "fuddy duddies" to quote a friend, which is to say, a class of folks all over 25. There are only 12 of us, and 6 of them are married couples taking the class together, along with 2 guys that are married and taking it without the wife, and the rest are myself and 2 other single girls. It's really nice not to be around the younger singles crowd. Not that I don't like them, I'm just in a completely different place in my life right now.

I'm a little late on the uptake with Institute. Sad I know. I've been told that I should be taking Institute classes and I know that this is one area, that I have slacked in. My main excuse for not always going, was, I wasn't ever a "student". I did however take an occasional night Institute class, which was better than nothin'. I am now 29, and feel a desire to go the Institute now more than ever. Maybe it's because I am actually a student? And the fact that President Monson, has asked for 18-30 year old's to "make institute a priority." There are a lot of blessings promised if you participate in Institute, see look here

Well, I don't know how to transition away from those thoughts, so... new subject time :)

Making the Temple a priority! I have jumped in with both feet when it comes to trying to socialize with the 25 plus singles crowd. I organize a monthly Temple trip, where we carpool up, share the cost of gas, and then hit up a fun local Mesa/Gilbert/Chandler restaurant for lunch. The first month, we had 8 people go, this last weekend, I know it was a holiday, but it was only myself and another girl. I want the Temple to always be a priority for me, so I'll keep up with organizing these trips. I think it's a great opportunity to meet new people, have good conversation, eat good food, and most importantly SERVE in the House of the Lord! I really hope more people join in for future trips. (Im a organizin' a book club for the same singles crowd too.) There's also another big event in the works for 25+ singles, a hike up Mt. Lemmon. Which I'm totally excited for.

I'm excited, because today I went on a 4 mile hike with T&G, and our friends Dallin and Dave. It was really nice! Hard in some places, because come on people, I am not in good shape, but it was really beautiful, and really cool! I was so proud of me! I did the whole thing, I didn't give up, so let me say it again, I WENT ON A 4 MILE HIKE!!!

I want it to be the jump start I need to get into shape. Because I really enjoyed it! FYI: I'm going to start walking/jogging again and swimming more. I want to be an active mom in the future, and I can't do that the way I am now. You know, the not in shape thing kinda hinders adventuring. It's really nice to see the timing of it all and the fact the Lord does answer prayers. I've been praying for a desire to change my health habits, so I usually eat good and healthy, no fast food, and I only eat out on occasion with friends. It only makes sense that by working out too, a healthier me should totally emerge. Yay healthy Sarah!

Also, this holiday weekend has rocked! I got to go to the Temple, spend time with friends, go the King Tut exhibit, eat some homemade ice cream, go to the car show. I spent time with my nephews, playin' with some Legos, went to church, taught about Temples in Primary, made some tasty meatloaf, played Hoopla! (the BEST game ever! :), ate some more homemade ice cream, this time, honey ginger flavor, had some really good conversation, had pumpkin pancakes, hiked in the chilly mountain air and topped it all off with some super tasty chocolate gilato. (so maybe this weekend wasn't my best "eating healthy" weekend, bwhahaha) and a nap. Alright, I've also gone over homework and reading assignments for school, but that just wasn't as fun as the rest of the stuff I did this weekend, so it only gets a minor mention ;)

I also learned this weekend a few things about what I am looking for in my Ore. Temple worthy! Temple attending! Service oriented! Likes to talk, and the funniest thing I realized though, is I really need to find some who loves to teach. Not necessarily a teacher, but just someone who won't get annoyed with all of the questions I ask. Cause I realize, I ask A LOT of questions! And really, it might get annoying if he isn't someone who likes to converse, you know, have the conversations that you can be a teacher and a student. Which I really think this life is all about, learning and teaching, but that thinking is going to be it's own post *wink*

I read a questionnaire a few weeks ago about Mormon dating... one of the questions was, "what are three deal breakers in who you would date (besides not being temple worthy)?" It took me a while to come up with some, but I thought, hey, why not share with you all what I feel are my "deal breakers". It'll help me if you have insight on this subject as well, so feel free to comment :)

One: He doesn't have a desire to LIVE. He is content with where life is taking him and he has no desire to or is not willing to direct his own paths or to move upward, he is content on level ground.
Two: He is not a hard worker. He is okay not giving his all.
Three: He doesn't want to, or doesn't like to talk about the Gospel. He doesn't recognize or appreciate that it is in every aspect of his life.

Does that make me to picky? I think not. I don't think in this case I am asking to much, because I do feel that I try to do all of these things. It's not the, "well you can't ask for it in someone else, if you don't do it yourself" kind of thing. I really feel like I try to live, work hard, and recognize and appreciate the Gospel in my life, and try is the key word here. As long as he is trying, that's what matters.

Now onto thoughts about my calling... Since I have started receiving callings in church, around 21, they have usually only lasted about a year at a time. It's weird. I have either moved out of a ward, boundaries have changed so the ward had to be re vamped, or I just get a new calling at that year mark. My year mark for my primary calling is coming up this month... I wonder if something is going to change? Just a thought to throw out there. I'll let ya know if it does.

Also, where should I live? I recognize I still need to be in Tucson. It makes the most sense right now and feels right. School is cheaper, my mom and sister/family are here and I'm having some pretty fun life adventures, so I don't want to leave right away, but, I also don't want to live here forever. I am pretty open to trying a new place. I do love Arizona, so maybe another city here? I also love Utah, but hey, I might also love Missouri, or New Hampshire, or Texas, or Ohio... I'll have to think about this one later... I'm single and my options are almost limitless. We'll see how the next year or two plays out.

Well, I think that is a good hodge podge of randomness for one night. Until next time. Here are some of the thoughts going on my my noggin' that will probably be in future posts: the Second Coming; being prepared and why we need to be. My evolution; how life experiences have made me a different person, and the idea that life is really about being a student and a teacher.

See ya next post.

Communication is Key!

All growing up, I remember my mom telling me that communication is key. She always told me that she believed the lack of communication was one of the reasons she and my dad got a divorce. I do think there is a difference between communicating and talking. Communicating is not only being able to get your thoughts across, but is being able to listen. This post, I'm focusing on the first. Being able to get your thoughts across.

Since my youth; which was a long, long time ago, I've known then that communication is key to a successful marriage. I didn't know or ever really think about what "communicating" was though.This last week however, was a really big eye opener on the subject in general, which I am truly thankful for! No worries, nothing spectacular happened, no big problems, fights, or arguments, that needed to be talked out... but I did have had a couple friends that I've talked to with on the subject recently which got me thinking about it. I also really feel that the Lord with His tender mercy, felt it was a good time to teach me on the subject. I like to think because it's a time in my life where I am willing to learn and want the lesson would stick. And stick it did.

I found myself asking the question, "am I, a good communicator?" And the answer to that, was a big negative, ghostwriter. Not to say, that I don't have my good days, but I recognize that there is a lot of room for improvement! I want to understand, the "how" to communicate just as much as the "why" it's important to be a good communicator.

Have you ever been around a little kid, who opts to use grunts, whines, and gestures instead of his words, to tell you what he wants? Have you ever been around, when a parent of that kid, tells them, "honey, use your words, I don't understand what that grunt means."? I really feel that teaching children how to communicate by using their words at an early age, gives them the best chance of being a good communicator as an adult. Because come on, we've all been around the adult who uses those same grunts, whines, and gestures too. I know that I don't always understand them, which can be frustrating.

I have also been around adults, who either, one, really confuse you because they start their sentence mid thought, or two, they don't know how to finish verbalizing their thought and it kinda trails off into a verbal black hole. I tend to fall into this way of communicating. It can get confusing because I start up or stop my sentence mid thought process because it seems I can't connect the words coming out of my mouth and my thoughts together. I really don't think it's because I don't know how, or that I can't. I just think it's because I've been "communicating" like that for so long, that I need to practice completing my thoughts instead of just blurting out my partial thoughts.

In the last year, since being back in Tucson, I have actually recognized this in myself and I really try to give the person I'm talking to, the complete picture of what I am thinking, instead of just a partial picture. It's been really interesting to see my communicating change. Again, there is still a lot of room for improvement. This might also be why eye contact is sometimes hard for me. I dunno.

I also give credit to my writing class for the way I've thought about this subject. It's only 2 weeks in, but I see the need to communicate complete thoughts, verbally and especially in writing. We don't know what people are thinking and feeling, we only know what we are thinking and feeling. We don't know what experiences they have had and what thoughts they are bringing to a conversation. I think it is up to each of us to communicate where our thoughts are, and what our experiences have been, to help bring us better understand each other.

I really feel when we learn to use our words to be able to express our feelings; happy, sad, frustrated, etc. We COMMUNICATE!

The end.

Oooh, oooh! Opinions and insights on this subject are completely welcome. I am in the learning zone for this one, and, any and all perspectives are welcome!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Today was a we bit rough, but ended on a good note!

And by a we bit rough, let's just say, I actually wanted to physically punch a kid in my math class. Seriously. No joke.I can honestly tell you that, I have not wanted to punch someone since, I don't know, my senior year in high school? I can still remember my emotions that day, two guys being dumb in English and were just being not nice. So, what, 11 almost 12 years ago was my last desire to physically harm? I don't think that's to shabby.

I did however realize today, that I DON"T WANT TO HAVE THAT DESIRE, EVER AGAIN!

I had a slight "road rage" thought cross my mind (which was not a very nice thought) when I had to wait for a car to turn before I could on my way home... I do recognize that it happened only a few minutes after math class was over, but still, no excuse. Which made it hard to deal with coming home to some of my dishes being written on with permanent marker... which irked me some more... along with coming home to a house that smelled like fish! Yucky. Don't get me wrong, I like fish, I just don't like the lingering smell in my house after it's been cooked.

I, somehow let things keep getting to me, and getting to me. I just kept getting madder and madder. And then it happened. I started to complain on facebook about today being a patience trying kind of day, and the realization hit me! I totally have been praying for an increase of patience! And boy oh boy, today was a day of learning.

I all of the sudden, didn't feel mad anymore. I reflected on my own stupidity of getting so mad over such small, insignificant events, that I said a prayer and asked Heavenly Father to forgive me. I also asked that I would be able to forgive the kid that offended me in Math (not a big deal, he was just a huge disruption towards the end of class, and very disrespectful to the teacher and the rest of the class, who wanted to be there), I was trying to remind myself too, that he is only a "kid", and has his own learning and life experiences to go through.

I also had the chance today to edit the first few cooking videos for my other blog and got to show Jakob, my nephew how to do it too. I love that he loves this stuff! He always asks questions and wants to learn as much as he can! I am by no means an expert, I don't know any of the technical terms, and my videos are a little choppy, but still. I'm glad he see's me trying something new. I really love spending time with him! He is like a little brother actually.

I don't know how to explain it, but sometimes, I feel like we are the same age. Not on a maturity, immaturity level, but on a kind of, spiritual level. I feel, like we were friends in the pre-existence, I just happened to come down to earth and received my body first. It's really weird, but we are totally kindred spirits, who also know how to bug the bejeebies out of each other.

Today wasn't one of those days of bugging each other though. He got to sit, do his homework and watch me edit while chiming in his two sense. He also got to make videos on my camera of himself. He really is quite the little actor and artist! I am not kidding! Maybe, if I get his mom's permission, I'll post a video of him on here, if not a video of him, maybe I'll post one of his Lego Star Wars movies or his Finger Man, Stick Man movies that he acts and stars in. haha.

I did however, loose total sense of time and was 45minutes late to my night class at Pima. hehe. Time flies when you are having fun! I went to class, which is a intro to business, type class, and realized that... maybe business isn't for me. I love to learn, don't get me wrong, but I don't know if this is a subject that I could ever love enough to pursue as a career? Time will tell, I'll hopefully have a better idea by the time the semester is over, so keep an eye out for a possible career goal change in the future. lol.

I then came home, Cake (Jakob) is spending the night, so we got to talk some more. He was reading a book while I was converting my videos into the right format to upload them to youtube.

And that's how my day turned from a, bit rough, to ending on a good note. I've been humbled, I've had the chance to increase my patience, and charity towards myself and my brothers and sisters. My new blog is doing great and I uploaded my first videos! School is great, I am learning tons! Life in general is GREAT! I'm learning a few new lessons, you know, the one where you recognize it is your own attitude that makes the difference and the lesson, where you can see that by not showing love and charity towards those around you, that satan can get in, and disrupt your day. You know, another lesson, where you learn to rely on your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, because you know that they are your best teachers, and you can become the best you, by abiding by Their teachings... who could ask for anything more?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Kitchens = Peace. Comfort. Creativity. And Love!

This week, school started! hehe! My art class was first (which I was super excited about and still am, even though I spent more mulah on art supplies than I expected), and it was also the first homework assignment I finished.

The first assignment was to choose a location, explain what I see, and how I feel in it. The location needed to be somewhere that expresses who I am and be somewhere that for you, the reader, allows you to experience being there from my view. The first "place" that popped in my head, was... the kitchen! Of course. lol. I don't think anyone who knows me at all would be surprised about that one.

I wanted to share my first completed assignment with ya'll. So, that you know, I am in LOVE in the kitchen and what that all encompasses. You may think it's weird, and I'm okay with that. haha.

Here ya go...

Hi. My name is Sarah and I am a kitchen addict. Not just addicted to my own kitchen either, most kitchens will do, well almost. I do need order and cleanliness to function at my fullest. When those things are in place, I find peace, comfort, and creativity there. I experience my thoughts deepen on many subjects while I am working in the kitchen. I also feel I can express a part of my love through my sacrifice of time; not only in the time preparing the meal, but in the time I take in learning and improving my skill. I am also able to express myself with the décor, food choices, and flavors that I choose to work with.

I truly love that, in a kitchen, there are colors everywhere! From the containers my foods are stored and cooked in, to what the foods are plated and presented on, to a beautiful rainbow of color in the food itself. It is my goal, to not only make the meal delicious, by using the right combination of flavors, but to make it just as delicious visually; Which is how I feel we truly “taste” anyway, by using all of our senses. I try to keep things interesting too, by using a combination of colors, shapes, sizes, and textures in all aspects of the kitchen.

Picture this… Bright red, imperfectly, diced tomatoes, slices of vibrant yellow and orange peppers. Dramatic green; fragrant basil, shredded Parmesan cheese, that not only adds the right flavor, but adds the right texture, for the taste buds and visually. Combine all of that color and texture together with some fresh cooked linguine, a few pinches of deep, dark, spicy crushed red pepper, a dash of pure, white, sea salt, and a drizzle of beautiful, rich green olive oil in a beautiful handmade saffron colored bowl… Oh the goodness that is in that dish!

So, yeah, I guess, that is the reason why I am a kitchen addict. I love to use all of my senses, so I am a "sensible" person you see. 

Wasn't that fun?! Now, let's just hope I interpreted the assignment correctly and my professor likes it! *grin*

p.s. because of the subject matter, I am also posting this on my food blog. A little different wording in the beginning, but all and all the same ;)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I'm a Mormon...

I'm a Mormon.

I created my profile! Click here if you wanna check it out *grin*


Sunday, August 14, 2011

There is this guy...

This guy, I could easily like. Here is hoping if he's interested in getting to know me, he'll take me out again. If not, I'm going to try and not worry about us being anything more than friends.

Interest peeked? haha

A few weeks ago, I got a chance to go out to dinner again with BD Tyler, this time, it was a date. lol. No question about that one. I did the asking, planning, and paying. Well, I paid for dinner, he picked up the tab for the dessert ;) It was nice. I'm really comfortable around him, I enjoy his company and his chillaxed attitude, and he is pretty freaking cute, the hazel eyes are pretty hot, I'm not gonna lie. I find that I talked a lot more than he did though. But I do talk more than most people, so I wasn't that surprised. lol. I did also get that end of date hug that night *wink*

He is who I wanted to try my really good date idea on, but he was out of town and working, so it hasn't happened yet. We did however go out with Tyler and Gina yesterday, and adventured! (I'll now try to call BD Tyler, just Tyler and T & G will be Tyler & Gina.) We planned it at the last dinner, so I'm not sure if we should count it as a "third date", but why not. 

We went on a picnic lunch in Madera Canyon, just south of Tucson. I gots to show off my, mad potato salad making and picnicing skills, haha. Mad skills worked, he thought it was tasty. And then we headed to Tubac, AZ. We hit up historic church grounds built in the 1800's (which had the big church intact... well, semi intact, but we got to tour it still), and then to a little shopping area with some fun little shops. Thankfully my clumsiness was at a minimum, I only knocked one thing on the floor from a store, not breaking it, but my sunglasses did fall like three or four times! lol.

I've also learned a lesson. When going to a town during the "off" season of tourism, and a town whose residents are all retired, plan on being there a little early, everything was closed by 3 or 4! We did however get to see a fun shop that had hand made tiles, and wood and metal sculptures, along with a herbalist shop (fyi: dried red raspberry, smells like cut grass, but oh momma, the herbs in that store can work some miracles, and the ear wax cones you can light on fire to draw wax out, got us to laugh. Mainly because a wife tried to convince her husband to use them and he kept adamantly saying, "NO!" :) and finally a fun kitchen gadget store.

I don't think Tyler knew there were that many things made just for the kitchen, but T & G and I were in heaven. It's just fun to see all the things that are out there and it was fun to see Tyler playing with the kitchen gadgets. I am very much a kitchen geek (Scott, will you define geek for me in a comment? Pleeeeease.), so I thought it was cute. We also went to the Almada Territory Steakhouse for dinner. Pretty tasty, to see my full review, check my food blog next week, another shameless plug, under the tab Restaurant Reviews.

Tyler and I, talked a lot more and got to know each other better. It's always fun to see people out in the "real" world kind of atmosphere, where I think we were both more relaxed. I also love going to places that help deepen already good conversation. Like museums and art galleries. I had a really good day, I enjoyed the good company and good conversation. I tried to not be a clingy girl and also enjoyed my time with my other friends. I don't know how interested he is, or if he is at all, but it would be nice to keep getting to know him. There is an over 25 Family Home Evening this Monday night that I invited him to come to. We'll see if he does.

I'll end the post with what I started it with. This guy, I could easily like. Here is hoping if he's interested in getting to know me, he'll take me out again. If not, I'm going to try and not worry about us being anything more than friends.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Am I a Mary? Or a Martha?

I am, a we bit, O.C.D., about being efficient. OK, not a we bit, but A LOT a bit! Can this hurt me in the long run I ask you?!

The thought of, am I a Mary, or a Martha, crossed my mind tonight on my way home from a ward service project at the church cannery. We were packaging and labeling food for the city food bank, which by the way, is one of my favorite places to serve. Hence the reason I try to be as efficient as possible while working/serving, because it has the possibility of helping even more people. I wondered if I was missing out on the chance to better serve the people that are directly around me or was I missing out on my own spiritual growth opportunity because I was moving so fast? (not literally, metaphorically :)

On the same lines of moving fast, I have reflected on the past when I am helping to organize, set up, or break down any kind of event (church activities, big dinners, wedding receptions and social parties), that I might be missing out on opportunities to socialize, or to enjoy the spirit that is there. Am I so focused on being efficient and getting things done, that I miss out on something?

I do try to socialize as I work... well, sometimes I do. haha. And, yes, I am that annoying person, that when no one else will take the "I'm in charge role", I will. Which entails me moving around doing a little of everything. If you have ever heard of the "Color Code", I am pretty equal red and blue with almost no white or yellow. I love being efficient, but I love people too *grin*

It's funny, I'm trying to be more of a fly by the seat of my pants kinda girl. It doesn't always work though. It's like I'm going against my own mind. I need order, which I don't think is a bad thing. It's when I can see only my way as the right way that there is a problem, but I am getting better at seeing other peoples ways too. (good thing right? That will come in handy when I am married! or so I hear) I'm trying to see other people's perspective of order. We don't all think the same, which is something I am really, REALLY thankful for! Imagine if everyone was like me or you. It would get kinda boring, huh? How would we learn if we didn't have different perspectives and life experiences?

Well, back to Mary or Martha. I am starting to believe that there is a time and a place for my O.C.D., in this case, my Martha. I just need to be more aware and listen for the Holy Ghost to guide me. Maybe, one event, I will be prompted to help get things organized or help for a quick clean up. Then, maybe another time, I'll be prompted to go and talk to, so and so, or to slow down and appreciate my surroundings and be like Mary.

Lesson learning in progress: Listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost in ALL things, but also be conscious of my surroundings and what I can do too. If someone is standing alone, stop what I'm doing and go and talk to them, or invite them to join in and help. In a service setting, such as the food bank or cannery assignments, be okay with slowing down to get to know someone and enjoy their conversation. It's one of those things that sounds so simple, but the application of it isn't always so. Isn't that life though?

The story of Mary and Martha that I am referring to is in Luke 10:38-42 or click here for the KJV Luke 10

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New Tabs Yo!

I am playing with blogger and getting to know how it works a little bit more with my food blog, shameless plug,, and have decided to implement a few new pages to this here blog. Keep an eye out for more pages, you can find my new, Quotes, tab under the blog title. hehe. This is fun!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So today I was going to write a post about the fact that guys really might think I have cooties. Seriously, I was. And then... I watched the documentary "Lost Boys of Sudan". I am now trying to cope with the reality of my own selfishness.

I am at the moment a little overwhelmed with emotion, no tears, but the overwhelming feeling of, I really can be doing so much more! And reflecting on how easy it is to get comfortable where we are. I have been so concerned with work and school and dating, that I haven't taken the time to truly serve my fellow men in a long, long time. It makes me sad.

So, instead of letting this overwhelming feeling stay with me, I will ask for forgiveness from my Father in Heaven and ask for His help to increase my desire to serve. I said in a previous post, that I was excited my time was going to open up a lot more, so I think now is the time to serve more!

Also, because of the example of those amazing young men, I've realized that school and work are possible together. I want to trust in my ability to "blog" an income into existence, but I will also not, not be looking for an income makin' "real" job. And I've been thinking about choosing a career choice that is a little less selfish too... I've only been looking at a business degree as something that will benefit me and my family, but what if I re think it and find the best route that will help me to help the world? Not like I want to go global or anything, I just know that one person can make a difference, and why not try to be one of those "one persons"?

Do you see why this post is title Oi! Seriously. Oi!

On a final note. Today's life lesson has me hoping that, someday, I won't care if guys think I have cooties. I can be doing more with my life, serving and helping people, than caring what guys think.True dat? True dat.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Well, I did it! Did what? I CREATED A FOOD BLOG!!! hehe I hope to have my first post up tonight! I know, I know, I didn't tell you all I wanted to do a food blog too, but doesn't it make it that much cooler? It's something that I want to challenge myself to do and see how I fare at it. Check it out when you have a chance. It will get a re vamp when I learn more about tab blogging, but for now, this will totally work *grin*, ok, not just lower case, but *GRIN* I am really excited!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I quit my salon job yesterday...

Normally this would be bad, but I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited! And oh so peaceful about this adventure I have decided to go on. I feel the Lord has been preparing me for taking this big career step since I got to Tucson, He was just giving me the time to catch up with His plan. Also known as, waiting until my faith increased. Trusting in Him and  trusting myself to know that everything will be fine. And everything will be fine.

You are thinking, what will I be doing now? Let me tell ya, it might be a run on sentence, so take a deep breath. I'll try and put some punctuation in there though. Ready. Go.

I'll still be doing hair. I'll just stick with doing it on the side and keeping my "at home" clientele right now, along with being an educator with Zotos still. It'll be nice because I'll be able to work hair, Zotos, a social life, fingers crossed: dating adventures, and church activities all around my school schedule. The fact that I won't have "set" job hours, will allow me to be able to be more flexible with my time. That in itself is worth it.

But no, that isn't the reason I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited! Here is that reason...

For the last year or so I have really wanted to write a wedding planning book! Specifically targeted to the LDS reception style girls/guys who are sometimes on a tighter budget, but not to put myself out there for only one genre, I want to make a general "doing it on a dime" wedding planning book available too, just without the LDS style to it.

I'de felt a little overwhelmed with the idea though. I love that all the things that I really like to do and am relatively good at, can be used in weddings. So, since I have found a new addiction to looking at and surfing blogs... catering, floral arranging, photography, hair/make up stuff, and really, crafting in general, I have come to the conclusion that I will create a blog instead!

OK, so the being a little overwhelmed part was still biting at me yesterday, but... I prayed before I went to work that I would find peace for that fear. Or something would come to me, or that someone would come to mind that this whole crazy idea might appeal too. Ya know, someone who we could be blogging partners! Just so I don't have to do it all alone and I'll have someone I can bounce ideas off of. Alright, having someone else working with me, also helps me not to procrastinate, because I would be held "accountable" to do my part. It's a nice ability to be able to trick oneself to work better. I'm glad I know how. *wink*

What a blessing, prayers were answered and the amazing opportunity to work with someone has become available! I had an appointment to work on my friend Gina's (Tyler's wife) hair Saturday night after work and wouldn't you know it... the Spirit prompted me to talk to her about it! Let's just say, in the next few weeks, we're going to get together and come up with a business plan of sorts and a general idea of what we want to do. We both love to craft and have different background experiences that will make it that much better!

How cool is it to have the chance, with advertising and stuff, to get paid to craft and do the wedding planning stuff!?! And who knows... one day, we might be a hot enough blog, to get that book deal. hehe.

I'm thinking Temple Brides as the blog title, but am completely open to suggestions. Ya'll got any? *grin*

Monday, July 18, 2011

So, I have a really good date idea!

I don't want to tell you yet, so keep your eyes open for a future post. I plan on using this really good date idea sometime in the next two weeks... and then I'll tell you about it *wink*

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mutual Beauty

Tonight. Tonight was a fun night!

Let me give you some back story...

A few months ago, I got the chance to "doll up" one of the young women in my ward for her first formal dance! It was really fun! She is normally a bit of a tom boy, so she had never had her hair done in any sort of formal style or wore anything besides some eye liner and mascara, plus she is only 16, so it kinda makes sense she hasn't done those things yet. When I was finished with her hair, which, when down, was almost to her waist, and after finishing her make up, she was really excited and couldn't stop smiling.

She looked gorgeous! Her hair was in big curls, volume on the top, and all swept to the side in a ponytail. Her make up was classic, with some shimmery eye shadow and smokey eye liner. It was fun to see a different side of her. Whenever I "doll" someone up, I always want to make sure they still look like them. Just a fancier version. And boy oh boy, she looked fancy.

Well, by helping her out, it opened up the opportunity for me to teach the rest of the girls in my ward that are 12-18 some things about hair and make up. Tonight, I taught Young Womens and had a blast! (If you want to know more about the Young Women program in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, check out )

I've known I was going to teach for awhile, so I had time to pray and prepare what I was going to tell them. I however didn't know how to tie in a spiritual thought with the beauty lesson... until one sweet night of scripture study after my prayers.

So, I was reflecting on the parables of Christ, specifically, The Ten Virgins, which is in Matthew 25, when the spirit prompted me to keep reading in the chapter... so I did. The very next parable after The Ten Virgins, is called, The Talents. Which are versus 14-30. I had the thought of, sweet goodness, this is it!

As I read the scriptures again, I realized that this parable can completely apply to literal talents!

Where is the tie in?

Here you be if you haven't guessed already...

The Lord has given us each talents, whether they are few or many, He still has given them to us. (notice the period?) I truly know that the Lord wants us to use the talents He has given us to help build His kingdom on the earth. I know that the talents we have been given are to help all of His or maybe just a few of His children in this journey through mortality. I also know, that if we don't have the self worth/self esteem/self confidence, to go and use those talents, we will be as the man who was afraid and hide them. We need to have the confidence to go out and use them!

The sweet understanding that we will be able to increase our self esteem when we feel good about the way we look, when we can have the confidence to walk into a room with our heads held high and our backs straight is something positive for all of us to achieve. If we doubt ourselves, we will doubt the Lord and not trust ourselves to use the talents He has given us.

I emphasized to the girls, that it doesn't matter what you look like if you have self worth and understand your divine role as a daughter of God. He will lift us up and it is He who can help us to not doubt ourselves. The hair and make up are not everything, they are just tools that can help you to see, some of your natural beauty, well a fancier natural beauty *wink* I also emphasized to them that the "worlds" definition of beauty is very skewed, that we are being shown pictures and media that don't represent real beauty anymore. Check out this site and you'll be amazed by what extremes are being done by the "world" when it is telling us how to look.

It was a really good experience and I really enjoyed teaching the girls (and their leaders, who seemed to enjoy it just as much) with a few of the talents that the Lord has blessed me with. I hope we can see and use our talents, because the world needs us to be those who are willing use the talents we have so that we may receive more! Remember, fear and faith cannot co exist... Matt 6:24 I said that one for me

God Bless! *grin*

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Unanswered Prayers...

Have you ever heard the Garth Brooks song, "Unanswered Prayers"? I recommend listening to it. It's a classic.

I have been reflecting on a few of my past relationships (the last 3 years or so), not that any were serious mind you, but still reflecting. I remember day dreaming and talking with my Heavenly Father about some of them turning into something more... my"happy little family" maybe?

That reflection has made my recent prayers and revelation to those prayers mean a lot more. They have given me the sweet assurance that I should truly thank the Lord for some of those unanswered prayers. He knows me better than I know myself. He knows what is best for me and He knows WHO is best for me.

I don't know who my ore is, I don't know when I'll find him, and I don't know where I'll find him... yet. I do however know that I will find him if I trust in the Lord and His guidance. Now it's just a matter of reminding myself and showing an increase of faith, because I really do know that he is out there.

I needed to say it out loud, well write it down, so it will sink a little further in. lol. Thanks for reading. I hopefully will have more adventures coming soon, so keep your eyes out for fun posts.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Full Time in the Fall

So, onto the post I promised about school *grin*


Can you tell I am excited?! haha. I really wish it would start already. I might change my mind once it actually does, but I am really excited at the moment.

When I graduated from high school, I didn't know what I wanted to do, but college isn't something that I ever thought about. As you may know, I moved to Arizona a year after graduating and worked until I decided to go to beauty school. I got my cosmo license and thought that would be enough to tide me over. Well, really it is, but I want more!

I want to know more. I want to learn more. And by golly, those things point fully at the need to go to school. I signed up for the community college down here in Tucson and will be starting the end of August. I am heading the Business route. I want to eventually transfer to the University and get my degree. hehe.

I think Business will work the best. There are enough things that I want to do with my life, including being a wife and a mom, that having a background in business will help with. Who knows, I might one day have a B&B with a salon, photography studio, floral shop, catering company, crafting studio, and wedding planning company all in one. I'll put the plug in now, that I would ABSOLUTELY love to be a stay at home mom, raising our family, having my talents being used in my own home instead of outside of it, instead of ALL of those things. But one should have a back up, in case said desire for an eternal family doesn't happen in this life or circumstances change once said eternal family is had.

I am thankful I have the time, energy, and resources to go to school before I have a family though. Who knows, what if my kids are super geniuses and I have to have a better understanding of math rather than, just pre algebra for them? lol! Math is not my strong point people! I am starting out low in hopes of getting a better in it before I even try to go into the harder stuff.

I am also really excited to be able to take more art classes! I am quite sure that I will surpass the requirements for fine art credits, but whatev, I LOVE that I can take fun classes! I will also be taking writing, business, and a language class.

I originally chose Spanish as the language I wanted to learn. I live in Tucson, come on, Spanish makes perfect sense, but the impression to drop Spanish and pick up Sign Language, was very, VERY STRONG! So I signed up for Sign.

Except for the last 6 months or so, never in my life have I had a desire to learn Sign Language. I mean never! Since being back in Tucson, I have however come across people who work with the deaf community, and I even have the privilege of learning some sign in my primary calling (the music leader in my ward uses sign to teach the kids new songs!). I'm excited to learn more!

Yay! For learning!

Once school starts, I hope I make the time to keep up with the blog! I have until August 24, so if you notice my posts start dwindling off after that... you'll know why *grin*

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Offense or Defense?

A couple of things have happened this past week that have me thinking...


I offended someone. *SARCASM WARNING* Ahhh, no, not me. I never offend anyone with my bluntness or lack of thinking. No never. Well, I am pretty sure I did just that, offend with bluntness and lack of "thinking before speaking". Said offense allowed me to experience someone choosing to be offended, which in turn, made him start to be defensive. It was not fun.

Yes, yes, I know there's a lot of room for improvement in this area for me! I do have a tendency of speaking sometimes before thinking... You would think because I know I do it, I would be a little better at controlling it. Not the case. I do give myself credit for getting a little better with age though. Another perk of getting older *wink* I also know that it is our choice to choose to be offended or not, thinking on that will be for a later post.


Fires! Lot's and LOTS of Fires! Living in the desert of Arizona has it's pros; the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises, and it's cons; fire danger during the dry season (which is really the majority of the year). The latter being the subject of a lot of conversations over the past two months.

From what the news says, we here in the A.Z. have experienced the worst fires in the states history. Along with multiple other "small" fires that have devastated communities, wildlife, and outdoor enjoyment for a little over 2 months now.

It was always depressing to hear on the news that it was only, insert really low number here, contained. It was depressing to hear them say that another fire has started up and that another community has been asked to evacuate. That, another home was lost, another campground destroyed, etc. It was just sad.

Then one day, I remember them specifically talking about going on the offense instead of defense! Instead of fighting what they couldn't control, they would fight with something they could. Controlled burns. Genius! As of today, the wildfires in Arizona are now all under control or all out!


I have been thinking a lot about Jesus Christ. About His role in my life, who He was, how He taught, and how important it is that I gain a greater testimony of Him. I have been praying and fasting for an increase of faith in Him. And I have recently asked myself, did Christ play, Offense or Defense?

I am looking at and learning from each of these perspectives in my life right now.

I've realized I want to fight with something that I can control. And what I can control, is me.

I know I am not perfect, nor will I be when I leave this life, but I can work on the faults that I have. I can try harder to be nice, I can try and be aware of the fire dangers around me. Those fires can burn me and burn others if I don't try to be on the offense, by curbing my words.

Most importantly, I now know I need to turn to my Savior, Jesus Christ. When there are things that I can't control, He who knows what position to play. He is my perfect example and who we should all try and emulate. The primary song, "I'm Trying To Be Like Jesus" has been randomly popping up in my life during the last week also. I like to think that it is not by chance. I hope the words will be on repeat in my mind for the rest of my life and will help me in curbing my words for the future.

I am truly thankful that we can take each day and learn to be better. Here is hoping I grasp what I am writing here!!