Thursday, January 5, 2012

30 x 30

One of my goals this year is to be in better health. This includes living my old mantra of "No Fried, No Sweet, No Soda" while continually trying to eat better and exercise more. I'll be focusing on the Word of Wisdom as my dietary guideline and starting to bike (which is possible in the winter in Arizona :) and taking an exercise class this semester at Pima.

I already wanted to get healthier and then my brother Riley suggested he and I compete in a weight loss competition against one another during this semester of school. Yeah, I am totally down! This semester I also happen to be turning 30! Woot! Woot! My birthday is in April so my goal is to lose 30 by 30.  Achievable? I think so! It'll take a lot of hard work and determination, but healthy eating with healthy exercise and a healthy competition between siblings success is inevitable and will be a great story in the life of Sarah!

Plus, I hope this will be the nudge I need to stay up with my food blog! As of today I have not posted since November (Eeeek!), but when I get home (since I'm out of town til Friday/Saturday) will be back in action! Keep an eye out and hands ready to cook.

I am so excited!!! Better health and a stronger testimony of the Word of Wisdom? Yes please! Thirty by thirty here I come!

p.s. Thanks to you both, the amazing Ereeen and Selica for being great examples of determination and will power. Truly you are both SpecTaCulaR! (picture lots of fire works going off with this word :)