Monday, March 22, 2010


p.s. I didn't get the blogging column, but I'm actually really thankful for it now. I am so not organized enough right now for that to have been a success and not a stress, so it's TOTALLY a good thing.

p.p.s. Said crush is kinda slow on the uptake. If nothing ends up happening, it is for sure NOT because I haven't tried. I have gone out of my comfort zone on multiple occasions. Who knows, maybe that's what I was supposed to learn, go out of my comfort zone, it's ok to do that sometimes... it's like you grow or something when you try something new? haha.

p.p.p.s. I am going to go to NEW HAMPSHIRE for the summer!!! hehehe. I am soooooooooooo EXCITED!!! My friend Megan invited me out to visit, so I jumped on that band wagon real quick and she and her hubby, the amazing Mathias, have decided to let me stay with them for the summer! Mid May-mid August. I have always wanted to see New England and what better time than now!? I'm going stop and visit family on my way out, use my cosmetology license and work in a shop, maybe look into working at a diner or something too and take the summer to learn some new stuff! It's pretty much going to be the best summer ever!

Ok, that's all my p.s.'s for now :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Mantra!

I started a new job in September 2008 a few months after moving back up to Salt Lake. It was a job that I've done before and knew how to do well. I was ready to leave the catering company that I worked for and head back into health care which I love.

This job came so easy! Really, really easy! One day I got a call seeing if I wanted to go in for an interview. I hadn't even put in an application. A friend from my ward had told her supervisors about the experience I had and that I was looking for another job. I went in, interviewed well and started the following week. I wondered and still wonder about the timing of it all. I am in awe of a kind and loving Heavenly Father who puts us in the best places for each of us to learn and grow.

Learning and growing are for sure in progress! Working where I do is opening up a lot of doors, not opening doors in the aspect of moving up in the company, which I am ok with at the moment, but in the aspect of seeing how I can be a better person through being more "open" to the doors that I may come across. In regards to people, places, and things.

Doors within my own thinking, within my own heart, within my own actions. I want to evaluate my life and the things that are around me in hopes to have a better perspective on what more the Lord would have me do with the situations and surroundings around me.

I've realized that this adventure of "finding my ore" didn't come by chance at this time of my life. I know now that the literal finding will happen in the Lord's timing, but the preparing myself spiritually, mentally, and physically for the task of building a ship is in my hands now.

I think this blog will continue to be a place for me to write my spiritual progression rather than my dating life. Which, is so much more interesting in the long run anyway *wink* I'm sure there will be some comments on my dating life in here somewhere, but I'll focus on the aspect of bettering myself so I can then better the world around me. I ask myself how can I teach something or be an example of something if I haven't experienced or am not living it myself?

Which brings us in a long round about way to my new mantra... I want to be living a life and be the type of person who is able to Love Openly and Serve Willingly!

It's weird, I started this post with my thoughts being on patience and timing and then look what it turned into. It's now a hodgepodge of randmoness. Eh, it helped me to open up some thinking, maybe it will somehow randomly do that for you too. haha.