Saturday, December 7, 2013

New crush? Don't mind if I do.

Well ok, its not a "new" crush. I've thought this guy is pretty amazing for over a year now. I've just gotten the chance to get to know him a little more this semester. Good ole super hot, amazing art professor (read this post) I'll re-emphasize: he has never been my teacher, so liking him is ok. Haha.  I see and talk to him a couple times a week, and totally check him out... and maybe I bring him homemade food sometimes too. Don't judge. lol. 

I've learned a few things about myself during this adventure of having a crush on him, one thing is I totally eat better when I have someone to cook for (selfish? A little). I really do enjoy sharing my whole food concoctions with him, he's kinda a taste tester. He's eaten some pretty odd stuff, but so far his food critiquing vocab for my food is "really good" and "awesome"... I'll take it.  (Some of the other stuff I've learned about myself will be blogged about separately, keep an eye out)

I'll only get to check him out and bring him tasty goodness for another week though, because I finish school and won't take classes at Pima anymore come Dec 16. Sad day. 

Well maybe the big picture it's not a sad day, Im moving on to the UofA (still waiting for the actual acceptance into the program, but the art dept advisors totally let me sign up for my art classes already, so I'm kinda already in ;), and that's not sad. He also has said we will go out for lunch next semester, that's not sad either. Haha. I keep hinting we should eat sushi. I love sushi. 

Now, I hope his definition of next semester and my definition of next semester are the same, or better yet, we should define next semester as being the winter break session. I'll have to try and pass that new definition onto him ;)

I've realized we can still stay in touch though, even if I don't get to see him or bring him food anymore. There is always email. Good ole email. I really do prefer talking to him in person though, he cracks me up! I think he's witty, smart, kind, waaaay oober talented, and ridiculously attractive! His smile is my favorite. 

I like that I can be myself around him, God loving, odd commentator, funny face making, wanna be artist, foodie that I am and he's cool with that. I'm a little odd folks, but truthfully, he kinda is too. Haha. I get he's trying to be a better person in the world, and that's pretty endearing.

I like the guy, but I don't want to put him in any kind of weird predicament with work being a teacher and me being a student at the school though, because it wouldn't be fair to him. He didn't ask me to like him. It is his fault he's amazing though and his parents fault he's cute. Valid argument? I think so. Here is hoping next semester at a different school comes quickly and the sushi hints take effect. I'll keep y'all updated. 

Once I tell him about my blog, I'll give ya his name too ;) it seems only fare. Until then, what shall his nickname be? Prof? Prof it is. 

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