Monday, December 30, 2013

A new year and what that entails

In two days its 2014. 

Time is flying by soooo stinkin' fast!

I start the University in a little over two weeks and I can't wait!

I'm already focusing on my art and coming up with new ideas and sketches, and can't wait until classes start so I can get more done and start building/creating. I won't be taking ceramics this semester which is kinda sad, but I'll have to compensate in my sculpture and b&w photog classes for artistic release ;) 

I'm totally submitting five sculpture pieces for a Sustainability Art Show being put on at the UA this spring. Here is hoping my pieces are what they are looking for. I realized I have a niche with my artwork... Out of the 15 or so pieces I have that are portfolio worthy, 1/3 of them easily fit into the food/sustainability/be kind to the earth realm. Lol. It's like I have a passion for all things food or something?! I had three pieces photographed today and when I get the images I'll post what I'm submitting. Yay for making art!!!

Along with making more art, I'm going to continue this new year focusing on downsizing to simple, basic, essentials in my home and life more. I'm going to go the route of bus and bike for school this year too instead of driving Coug (my little car) around. It just makes sense that with my growing passion for reverence and love for the earth and people on it, I should try to help keep it beautiful in whatever small way I can.  

With that thought process I'll be moving from apartment living (YAY!!!) and going for a house where I can garden and have me some chickens! Woot! Woot! It'll happen in May if not sooner. I got to go on an awesome chicken coop tour sponsored by the co-op that got me even more excited about chickens and gardening. I didn't know getting more excited for it was possible, but it was and I am. Haha. 

I am also going to keep volunteering with the food bank! Its so much fun and the girl that I get to help and work with is so stinkin' sweet! I'll keep helping out with the kids nutrition program and the kids/cooking demo booth at the farmers market. I find it really fulfilling to work in the community and talk to people!

I've checked out a few books this week
That I feel will help me with the goals I have set for myself in my life at the moment too!

Weekly canning and yummy food making, continuing to build homemaking skills (I want to be prepared for my ship when it happens;), working on creating gallery worthy art, and the simplification of my home and overall lifestyle. 

I'll need to also work on sewing, I'm officially in the 190's with my weight which means in the last year I've lost about 50lbs, and will need to get clothes fitting better. I've realized The Lord has blessed me with what clothes I do have now though that fit. There was a group of women in my church that we passed around bags of clothes we didn't want anymore and I got a good chunk of cute smaller sized pants and skirts that route. I have also loved being able to barter with my skills, mainly the hair doin' skills for stuff. Lol. I got my sculptures photographed and a couple cute infinity scarves that way. Bring on more bartering for other stuff too!

Worthy goals I dare say. These don't include the personal spiritual goals I have, those goals are deserving of their own post, but I truly believe these goals will work together to help me become a better person, daughter, sister, neighbor, and friend. 

Here is to making changes today!

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