Monday, July 28, 2014

Interesting Insight

Acquaintance vs friend. Yeah, I gained some interesting insight on the difference between those two things last week when I had a written email conversation with Andy (no details about the conversation are necessary, they don't matter). I realized he is not my friend, nor I his. It is not that that is a bad thing either. It's actually really helpful. I realize I can say confidently I don't like him like I thought I could/might. It's nice to have learned that I am only someone who cuts his hair and he is just someone who teaches/helps me with my bike.

From what transpired between us, I learned friends are aware of each others personality quarks and handle said quarks completely different than an acquaintance does.I learned a major difference between a friend and an acquaintance is that a friend is someone who's quarks we enjoy or have a freakishly high tolerance for. Friendship is certain when the quarks they have bug us when other people have them, but with that friend they don't matter.I guess that is also what makes up a family and the dynamics therein. I recognize families get along better when we look past our differences and learn to tolerate one another's differences rather than letting those differences bug us.

I learned a lot from this experience.

The end.

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