Sunday, May 25, 2014


For the last few weeks I've had many thoughts roaming around my noggin. Tonight I started like six posts that will be expounded on here soon enough. I've realized I need to be a better journal keeper and writing down my inadequacy about said journal keeping here will help me to be accountable for all those drafts I've started. Hehe. I hope my love of photo journaling with Instagram will make up for some of my missed written entries. 

I want to print out my Instagram account photos and put them in a photo album because IG is going bye-bye when my iPhone goes bye-bye. I will have to think of a creative way to keep doing photo journaling without a cell phone camera available at all times, because I'm going cell phone free here in the next week. I'm "up-grading" my plan to a basic home phone. Me no likey my smart phone anymore, its a gigantic life distraction and I want to still try to LIVE life by simplifying potential distractions. 

I'm sure I'll end up telling you all about it. Keep an eye out for the six posts coming in the next two weeks. 

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