Saturday, April 28, 2012

New England Baby!!!


Let me tell you a little story...

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved to adventure. Granted, she doesn't get to do it as frequently as she wants, but still, she tells herself adventuring is in her blood. She is finishing up her first year of college (which by the way she really loves!), getting over a guy (who wasn't blogged about all that much, but future "lessons learned" post may be written about him), and learning to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ, which is hard, but such a blessing in her life!

Okay, Okay, I don't know if I can write in that context until the end of the story, so I'm going to translate it into Sarah speak for the middle part of the story and then give it a happy The End. K? k.

So life has been a little hectic with school and work. I have been doing hair like crazy and having to keep up on tons of homework, but thankfully, the Lord has kept His promise in helping me with school. Institute is the way to go! It has been a HUGE blessing in my life spiritually on so many levels, and it is absolutely amazing to me that by "sacrificing" a couple hours for class each week, the Lords promised blessings are happening in my life. School is busy, but somehow I'm getting everything done, even with good grades A's & B's baby! 

I'm completely exhausted some days and am very ready for the summer though; which is what this blog post is really all about... I'm throwin' in a hehe again. he.he.

So I didn't know what I was going to do for the summer. I had multiple options, school full time, summer job p/t with school p/t, work full time, go and visit family for a good chunk of the time, go on a work adventure out of state or just try something new! I had been praying though, and felt a little confused that I hadn't received guidance on what to do exactly, but I felt peaceful that I didn't have to worry, everything would work itself out. So, I stopped worrying about it. I felt peaceful that much I knew, so I was going to trust the Lord and hang out til I knew what I was supposed to do. However, the lease was going up on my apartment April 30. Thankfully I felt I should do a month to month for May, but nothing more... so hopefully the "everything" working out would also include a place to live!

And as of today, everything is working out!!! My summer plans, work and living situation fell into place within a five day period. It was just cool! It's kinda like how everything fell into place when I moved back up to Utah a few years ago. Fun adventures are for sure ahead of me, but I'm thinking there is going to be a few lessons to be learned too. I LOVE seeing the Lords hand in my life. I LOVE IT!!!

My summer will now be spent in Maine! Remember from posts a few years ago how much I wanted to go to New England?! Well, now I get to and get paid to do it! I get my flight paid for and I get to live in the amazing mountains next to a lake for two months teaching pottery! Seriously! I get to teach, play with clay, live in a farm house, and adventure on my day off every week in New England! *hands randomly clapping right now and a huge smile is on my face*

The Tuesday before last, right before I left school to head to Institute I had the impression to look on craigslist for a summer job (which side note: I had been doing a few weeks previous, but felt I wouldn't find anything so I quite looking) so I did. The job at the top of the list was titled, Potter Instructor for a Summer Camp in Maine. I clicked on that bad boy immediately and read what was required. Low and behold, I was qualified! So, I headed to my Institute class and right before class started was able to forward my resume and a cover letter to the posting.

Within two hours of sending that email, I got a call back from the camp. The Assistant Director lived in Tucson and wanted to ask me a few questions and tell me about the camp. He told me if I was still interested to go online and fill out the online application, which I did right after getting off the phone with him, and he said I would hear back from them once they got my application. The following day, I got a call from the Camp Director, wanting to set up an interview. I set up the interview to meet with the AD in Tucson the following day. Thursday came, I brought some of my art work and ceramic pieces with me to the interview at Raging Sage (a cute coffee shop here in town), a good attitude, and a lot of faith. Prayers were for sure being said ;) The interview went really well!

It was amazing to see that working at a summer camp a few years ago (random right?), taking and LOVE ceramics this last semester, taking and LOVING all of my art classes really, being a teacher at church for kids, and being an educator for Zotos all played a role in me being qualified for this little adventure. The AD said he wanted to speak with my ceramics teacher and as soon as he did, he would let me know if I got the job. Monday came, the AD called in the morning and said he still hadn't talked to my teacher, so he couldn't offer me the job. I told him I was heading to school and would talk with my teacher to see if he would be able to call him back... I got to school and my ceramics teacher was late to class, but as soon as I saw him I knew he had just talked to the AD. Apparently he said good things because within a half hour the Director called and asked me if I wanted to work at the camp!

Ahhh yay! I even get to fly out a few days before needing to head to camp and visit Boston and New Hampshire and play with Megan and her family!!! I even found out that there is a chapel I can go to that is only a few miles from camp. What a blessing right... Maine is not full of Mormons, but there is a place close for me to go to church :) I even got permission already to have Sunday mornings off so I can go! I'm going to call the Bishop out there in the next few weeks and see if he knows anyone who would be able to pick me up and take me back if I am unable to get a ride there.

So the moral of the story is, the Lord knows and loves this girl so much and understands that she needed a break and an adventure all at the same time so He blessed her with an amazing opportunity to use the skills and talents she has acquired over the last few years... She is going to be working long days, but see's it will be such a good working break. Now she just need to pack up her stuff and find storage for it for a couple months! And maybe a place to stay from June 1-June 12 *grin*

This is for sure one happy girl, with one adventurous summer ahead!

The End.