Friday, August 23, 2013

A Little Impatient Are We?

Holy momma. No joke, this is a big learning, Ah Ha, lightbulb exploding, "mind blown" to quote a co-worker, kind of moment for me right now!

Today, really as I'm typing this, I've realized just how impatient I can be sometimes...

I learned a little about this subject over the summer when I got a concussion and I had to teach and work with others differently because I physically/mentally couldn't handle all that I was used to doing. My loving sister put that lesson I learned in these words "it took a concussion for you to learn not to be a control freak!" 

No really, it did. 

I didn't associate impatience as being a part of a control freak thing before, BUT IT TOTALLY IS! 

I also didn't realize how impatient I was until a memory from a few months back came to me recently of Tyson commenting to me how impatient I was. I took the comment as he was referring to my impatience at that moment (because truthfully it fit in that moment), so I never thought he might have been referring to a bigger picture of Sarah. 

Oh he was totally referring to a bigger picture of Sarah. 

I see now, after that lightbulb explosion of perspective, my impatience could be thwarting my growth and relationships with people! Ahhhh! I want to grow and become better and have good relationships with people.

I like people.

This realization I hope benefits me for the rest if my life, because people, even though it makes things super efficient to do things in a certain order and at a certain time, in the BIG picture, sometimes efficiency doesn't matter as much...

You know, because maybe we need to let ourselves and other people wait for things to happen; Those happenings are part of the real lessons we need to learn... Faith, Hope, Charity, Patience, Follow Through, and all that good stuff. 

Am I the only one who needed that lesson? Hopefully my ramblings made some kind if sense to someone besides myself... 

Now thank you random memory for keeping me humble. Oh wait, it wasn't random the memory came when it did, it came when I was teachable. So Thank You Heavenly Father for loving me enough to humble me and teach me. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Whittling of a Queen

I LOVE creating art. I love sculpting in clay and metal so this summer I decided to try whittling some wood. I made a chess piece; The Queen to be exact. It was so relaxing and fun! 

Whittling away the queen was freakishly challenging, but freakishly rewarding too. It was cool to start out with a block of wood and come out with something better than I imagined at the end. Here is a pic (it looks a little different now its been varnished, but you get the idea:)

I am so thankful and so blessed with the talents and abilities I've been given. I don't comprehend them and I don't know why Ive been blessed with them, but I really hope that I am using those talents and abilities to the utmost to accomplish to Lords will by serving He and His children as much as I can. 

Which while at camp I've been thinking about what Im going to do when I get home. I can/want to work this semester, unlike other semesters my school load is waaaay less and work is possible, so Im going to try working; Creating, teaching or doing something this semester in the art realm to help better the world around me. I have no clue what it will be yet, but I'm going to do something! I'll keep ya posted on what that might be. 

Camp 2013

I learned my lesson from last year, I had good intentions of writing more about what happened with camp in 2012, but I got overwhelmed with how much did happen that I didn't want to expound on it all once I got back to reality. This summers experiences however, I have a few specific things I know I want to touch on so they will have their own posts. In this post I'll stick with a "what I learned" in general to cover the rest. 

I learned that people can change, but it can also be my perspective of them that changes. I learned that happy places can change and that it wasn't a bad that it did. I learned that concussions suck (future post subject) as do line drive hits with a softball to the shin. Can we say gigantic bruise from mid calf to ankle? 

I learned to stand in holy places (future post subject). I learned that by making promises to myself and The Lord before hard things came up made things waaaay easier when choices had to be made. I learned I don't need a large social circle as long as I had a few good friends I could rely on. 

I learned that age makes a difference in life; especially when looking inward but also when I looked at others wondering why they were doing what they were doing (Future post subject). 

I learned my hair gets these awesome ringlets in the humidity, and I don't mind my grays as much anymore. I learned that thrift store shopping is the absolute way I want to shop, amazing deals on pants, a scarf, earrings, and a purse ;) but can be frustrating when you can't find what you're looking for; an 80's style waffle maker to be precise. 

I learned that sushi was always better when eaten with a good friend and days off relaxing were way better than ones running around. I learned that when it rains for days on end it was worth it to find a happy place, such as creating art with my shoes off, otherwise it was depressing. Cold, wet feet were horrible. I learned to love my new wool socks though. 

I was blessed to experience answered prayers again and again, one being in a bearded wood shop counselor with a good attitude which made for a much enjoyable summer than last year. I learned to better communicate with my co workers and the campers and it was worth it to try to see things from their perspective. 

I learned I should actively try things out of my comfort zone, and that paddle boarding (even on my knees because of high winds and choppy water)was pretty fun. 

I knew this, but it was re emphasized how much I HATED not being able to cook for myself or choose my meals. I learned truly that what I eat affects everything, my attitude, my ability to focus, but my waistline was a big concern. I lost 25lbs before camp and gained 10lbs while there. Boo!!! I learned organic, local, unrefined sugars and flours is the way to go!

I learned that I am still teachable and able to learn in the moment. I learned that the example of two amazing young men has had a great impact on my life. I learned that lefties are very gifted people and deserve to not have to adapt to a right handed world. 

I learned that knowing what to expect from camp made for a very enjoyable summer, a summer of learning, a summer of growth, a summer if fortune.