Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Randomness At It's Best

I'm finding it hard to sit down and write about my summer since so much is going on in my life right now... I still plan on expanding on my feelings and experiences over the summer, but I'll let you know what's going on right now in my life.

School is in full gear. 18 credits, six classes, three campuses all in only three days a week. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my 8am-10pm away from home days.

Sociology isn't my favorite, but I love my metal work jewelry class... life drawing is hard, but I have to keep reminding myself drawing is pretty new to me so it's okay that I'm not as good at it as I would like to be. History is chill, three hours of slow paced lecture usually ending with a video has been pretty cool. Ceramics is always amazing and yesterday I totally threw a 14inch high vase on the wheel!!! hehehe. Finally math, math is cool, but my teacher not so much. I'm having a hard time learning from his way of teaching and am finding myself avoiding homework at all costs. Hmmm. I should change that, I would really like to not retake this math class. Then there are my Institute classes which are AMAZING! They make up for the classes I don't like at Pima and make me feel way better whenever I go to them. They are the lift and light I need during the week and I am sooooooooooooooo thankful for them.

On the guy front: There is a cute art professor I've met (he's not my teacher [and he's close to my age], so it's okay ;), he seems pretty amazing... So if you amazing art proffesor ever stumble upon this here blog, and you're also interested in getting to know me more, you should probably ask a girl out on a date. Im just sayin. There was a guy in my jewelry class that seemed interesting, but hes turned into annoying vs appealing, but there is a guy in one of my insitutute classes that I wouldn't mind talking to/getting to know more. Lets see what happens.

My social life is kinda eh, my really good friends are all up in Phoenix I haven't been able to go out the the fun restaurants or outings that I usually enjoy, but this has made it possible for me to spend way more time with my family which has been amazing. So I guess my lack of "cool" social life is totally worth it *grin* My sister and I can always laugh and have good times. We both think that I am the "old" person and my 5 year old nephew Jonah agrees. He thinks I am the older sister. It's not as funny when you write it down, but it was freaking hilarious when he told us he thought I was older (which I am not! Kara is five years older).

I've been reading (quick reads, but still good ones), learning how to knit (crocheting is so much easier, but knitting looks cool and seems more versatile), and cooking. I guess I've become a vegetarian. I'm not against eating meat per se, I just don't think I need to consume it with every meal or eat it everyday; I haven't had any in over a month and I feel great. Fresh veggies and fruits with fun things like polenta, quinoa, barley, all types of beans, and flax seeds have been my staples for food consumption. I've been juicing too! :) I've lost 10lbs and it feels pretty good. I'm still all about dairy and eggs though. I've decided I'm going to learn to sew better so I can modify the clothes I already own into fun new things that fit better. It'll be a fun adventure!

I'm the "sub" primary teacher at church right now since my class went to another teacher over the summer. I had the chance to "sub" as the singing time teacher (side note: I don't know a lot about music nor can I sing in tune all the time, but I sure love primary songs and feeling the Spirit while hearing kids sing them). I got to teach the kids, 3-11 year olds, for two Sundays in a row and can I tell you what... IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! We got to sing songs, learn, and laugh for 20 whole minutes. The kids seemed to enjoy it as much as I did! That is a calling I think I would have fun doing, which means I'll probably only ever be a sub. haha.

I am SUPER excited for General Conference! I got to go to a Regional Fireside where Elder M. Russel Ballard was speaking via a webcast and I learned so much... It was such a good preperation for what GC will bring. To watch it for yourself, tune in October 6 & 7 from 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm Mountain Standard Time at The Prophets and Apostles of God will be speaking and telling us the things that will help each of us in preparing ourselves to live with God again. Here is an example of what will be said: It's one of my favorite talks from General Conference "Love Her Mother"

Okay, randomess is done. I have homework I have been avoiding while writing this, so I'll be heading back to it now. More posts are sure to come!

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Spirit of God

I had a lot of different experiences over the summer that helped me to grow mentally, spiritually and physically (but I guess both mental and physical growth have something to do with spiritual growth too); this post is going to be perspective specifically from part of my spiritual growth from camp. The learning started at camp, but has snowballed into amazing learning experience after amazing learning experience since I’ve been home.

I thought a lot about the companionship of the Holy Ghost while I was at camp. I thought a lot about how I felt in general; I thought about what I had to do to keep the Spirit with me throughout my days, but since I’ve been home I’ve thought a lot more about the role and mission the Spirit of God plays in the lives of Gods children; our lives which are richly blessed because of the role and mission of the Holy Ghost. I realized I didn’t know how blessed I truly am to have His constant companionship as long as I am living worthy and obeying the commandments of God.

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, after being baptized by those who had authority from God (or the Priesthood of God) I had been given the Gift of the Holy Ghost (by someone having the same authority from God to bestow such a gift). The Gift of the Holy Ghost differs from the Power of the Holy Ghost which is fleeting; the Gift means having the constant companionship of the Spirit of God to guide and direct us on this life’s journey as long as we are faithful.

The First Article of Faith from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost”. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I know the Godhead is made up of three separate, intelligent beings. Three individuals who are able to think and act for themselves, but who think and act so similarly, that the scriptures say they are “of one heart, and of one mind” which testifies of Their unity in purpose.

I believe that our Father in Heaven has a body of flesh and bone, that Jesus Christ has a resurrected body of flesh and bone, but that the Holy Ghost is a personage of Spirit. I believe we are spirit children of God who lived with Him before coming to earth. As part of the Plan of Salvation (which was a plan made in Heaven by God in case His children sinned and became unworthy to return home to Him) we are now living in mortal bodies experiencing life so we can prepare to live with God again. We are on earth to learn/obtain knowledge; knowledge that will help us as we experience what it means to be in and have a family. I know ALL of Gods children who have ever lived on the earth will be resurrected and live forever, more importantly though, I know through promises made in the Temple that we can have eternal families; families that are forever living in the presence of God. All of these blessings depend on if we are faithful to Gods commandments while living here on earth though. These are things I know for myself, but if you don’t believe me? Ask Heavenly Father yourself. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” “For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened” Matthew 7:7&8 The Lord has promised to answer our faithful prayers and that good feeling you will receive will come through His Spirit.
Sage way to more talk about The Spirit of God…

The Spirit of God confirms truth. He brings peace to your spirit, He brings peace to your heart. The good feelings we have come from God through His Spirit. They are feelings that are a confirmation that something is true, something is right, or something is good. Think about a time when you just “knew” something because your whole being felt good about it… then think about a time when you felt “icky” because something just didn’t feel right. Which do you think was The Spirit of God?
I had the chance to speak to a couple of really good friends over the summer about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it reminded me of whenever I go out with the missionaries of how good it feels to have conversations where the Spirit of God is invited to confirm truth to all who are there and willing to receive Him. During these time’s I could see countenances change… the look of peace. One friend over the summer commented on how good he was feeling while we were talking about the Gospel; as if he had never recognized that good/peaceful feeling before. I pray for him, I pray that he recognizes the good things in life and has a desire to have the feeling of good/peace again. That feeling that comes from talking of and learning of Christ.

My pondering on the Holy Ghost has also got me thinking a lot about how the Holy Ghost “speaks” to me, how I feel Him in my life. I had the sweet realization that He speaks to each of us Spirit to Spirit. He does not speak to our brain or our body, which are both mortal, but He speaks to our hearts. The Spirit of God speaks to my heart! If you think about it our hearts are what validate our living… our hearts are the key to our souls. I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s totally true! Our hearts pump oxygen, our hearts pump nutrients, our hearts pump life. Our bodies can continue “living” if our brain is injured or if our limbs/organs have been traumatized or fail, but it’s when our heart stops beating that death occurs. Our spirit leaves a mortal tabernacle and returns home to the God who created it.

I want to be able to explain that what we feel, when we feel something different within ourselves, when we feel something good within ourselves, (even when it’s a feeling that we are being corrected because we’ve done something wrong) is The Spirit of God testifying of “Jesus Christ, of His work, and the work of his servants upon the earth” (Bible Dictionary Holy Ghost). Every aspect of our lives is touched by the Atonement of Jesus Christ; that’s why the Holy Ghost can be felt by people who don’t know Christ or don’t know what He did for us. Christ Atoned for our sins, He bled from every pore. He felt every pain we would experience, He felt every heartache we would feel, He knows what it feels like to be hurt, embarrassed, or alone. Jesus Christ then was crucified for each of us, setting an example of an unselfish life, a life of hard work, a life of love and service, a life devoted to God. He gave His life so we might live again with our Father in Heaven. It amazes me that we, through following Christ’s example, by having faith in Him, repenting, and being baptized, WE can have the Spirit of God as our constant companion; A companion who will confirm truth, eternal worth, and the love that God has for each of us.

How truly amazing and sweet it is to know we are children of God and we are not alone in this life. He is sending us the help we need to overcome the trials in this life so we can find eternal joy in the life to come.

I .Love. God.