Friday, August 26, 2011

Kitchens = Peace. Comfort. Creativity. And Love!

This week, school started! hehe! My art class was first (which I was super excited about and still am, even though I spent more mulah on art supplies than I expected), and it was also the first homework assignment I finished.

The first assignment was to choose a location, explain what I see, and how I feel in it. The location needed to be somewhere that expresses who I am and be somewhere that for you, the reader, allows you to experience being there from my view. The first "place" that popped in my head, was... the kitchen! Of course. lol. I don't think anyone who knows me at all would be surprised about that one.

I wanted to share my first completed assignment with ya'll. So, that you know, I am in LOVE in the kitchen and what that all encompasses. You may think it's weird, and I'm okay with that. haha.

Here ya go...

Hi. My name is Sarah and I am a kitchen addict. Not just addicted to my own kitchen either, most kitchens will do, well almost. I do need order and cleanliness to function at my fullest. When those things are in place, I find peace, comfort, and creativity there. I experience my thoughts deepen on many subjects while I am working in the kitchen. I also feel I can express a part of my love through my sacrifice of time; not only in the time preparing the meal, but in the time I take in learning and improving my skill. I am also able to express myself with the décor, food choices, and flavors that I choose to work with.

I truly love that, in a kitchen, there are colors everywhere! From the containers my foods are stored and cooked in, to what the foods are plated and presented on, to a beautiful rainbow of color in the food itself. It is my goal, to not only make the meal delicious, by using the right combination of flavors, but to make it just as delicious visually; Which is how I feel we truly “taste” anyway, by using all of our senses. I try to keep things interesting too, by using a combination of colors, shapes, sizes, and textures in all aspects of the kitchen.

Picture this… Bright red, imperfectly, diced tomatoes, slices of vibrant yellow and orange peppers. Dramatic green; fragrant basil, shredded Parmesan cheese, that not only adds the right flavor, but adds the right texture, for the taste buds and visually. Combine all of that color and texture together with some fresh cooked linguine, a few pinches of deep, dark, spicy crushed red pepper, a dash of pure, white, sea salt, and a drizzle of beautiful, rich green olive oil in a beautiful handmade saffron colored bowl… Oh the goodness that is in that dish!

So, yeah, I guess, that is the reason why I am a kitchen addict. I love to use all of my senses, so I am a "sensible" person you see. 

Wasn't that fun?! Now, let's just hope I interpreted the assignment correctly and my professor likes it! *grin*

p.s. because of the subject matter, I am also posting this on my food blog. A little different wording in the beginning, but all and all the same ;)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I'm a Mormon...

I'm a Mormon.

I created my profile! Click here if you wanna check it out *grin*


Sunday, August 14, 2011

There is this guy...

This guy, I could easily like. Here is hoping if he's interested in getting to know me, he'll take me out again. If not, I'm going to try and not worry about us being anything more than friends.

Interest peeked? haha

A few weeks ago, I got a chance to go out to dinner again with BD Tyler, this time, it was a date. lol. No question about that one. I did the asking, planning, and paying. Well, I paid for dinner, he picked up the tab for the dessert ;) It was nice. I'm really comfortable around him, I enjoy his company and his chillaxed attitude, and he is pretty freaking cute, the hazel eyes are pretty hot, I'm not gonna lie. I find that I talked a lot more than he did though. But I do talk more than most people, so I wasn't that surprised. lol. I did also get that end of date hug that night *wink*

He is who I wanted to try my really good date idea on, but he was out of town and working, so it hasn't happened yet. We did however go out with Tyler and Gina yesterday, and adventured! (I'll now try to call BD Tyler, just Tyler and T & G will be Tyler & Gina.) We planned it at the last dinner, so I'm not sure if we should count it as a "third date", but why not. 

We went on a picnic lunch in Madera Canyon, just south of Tucson. I gots to show off my, mad potato salad making and picnicing skills, haha. Mad skills worked, he thought it was tasty. And then we headed to Tubac, AZ. We hit up historic church grounds built in the 1800's (which had the big church intact... well, semi intact, but we got to tour it still), and then to a little shopping area with some fun little shops. Thankfully my clumsiness was at a minimum, I only knocked one thing on the floor from a store, not breaking it, but my sunglasses did fall like three or four times! lol.

I've also learned a lesson. When going to a town during the "off" season of tourism, and a town whose residents are all retired, plan on being there a little early, everything was closed by 3 or 4! We did however get to see a fun shop that had hand made tiles, and wood and metal sculptures, along with a herbalist shop (fyi: dried red raspberry, smells like cut grass, but oh momma, the herbs in that store can work some miracles, and the ear wax cones you can light on fire to draw wax out, got us to laugh. Mainly because a wife tried to convince her husband to use them and he kept adamantly saying, "NO!" :) and finally a fun kitchen gadget store.

I don't think Tyler knew there were that many things made just for the kitchen, but T & G and I were in heaven. It's just fun to see all the things that are out there and it was fun to see Tyler playing with the kitchen gadgets. I am very much a kitchen geek (Scott, will you define geek for me in a comment? Pleeeeease.), so I thought it was cute. We also went to the Almada Territory Steakhouse for dinner. Pretty tasty, to see my full review, check my food blog next week, another shameless plug, under the tab Restaurant Reviews.

Tyler and I, talked a lot more and got to know each other better. It's always fun to see people out in the "real" world kind of atmosphere, where I think we were both more relaxed. I also love going to places that help deepen already good conversation. Like museums and art galleries. I had a really good day, I enjoyed the good company and good conversation. I tried to not be a clingy girl and also enjoyed my time with my other friends. I don't know how interested he is, or if he is at all, but it would be nice to keep getting to know him. There is an over 25 Family Home Evening this Monday night that I invited him to come to. We'll see if he does.

I'll end the post with what I started it with. This guy, I could easily like. Here is hoping if he's interested in getting to know me, he'll take me out again. If not, I'm going to try and not worry about us being anything more than friends.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Am I a Mary? Or a Martha?

I am, a we bit, O.C.D., about being efficient. OK, not a we bit, but A LOT a bit! Can this hurt me in the long run I ask you?!

The thought of, am I a Mary, or a Martha, crossed my mind tonight on my way home from a ward service project at the church cannery. We were packaging and labeling food for the city food bank, which by the way, is one of my favorite places to serve. Hence the reason I try to be as efficient as possible while working/serving, because it has the possibility of helping even more people. I wondered if I was missing out on the chance to better serve the people that are directly around me or was I missing out on my own spiritual growth opportunity because I was moving so fast? (not literally, metaphorically :)

On the same lines of moving fast, I have reflected on the past when I am helping to organize, set up, or break down any kind of event (church activities, big dinners, wedding receptions and social parties), that I might be missing out on opportunities to socialize, or to enjoy the spirit that is there. Am I so focused on being efficient and getting things done, that I miss out on something?

I do try to socialize as I work... well, sometimes I do. haha. And, yes, I am that annoying person, that when no one else will take the "I'm in charge role", I will. Which entails me moving around doing a little of everything. If you have ever heard of the "Color Code", I am pretty equal red and blue with almost no white or yellow. I love being efficient, but I love people too *grin*

It's funny, I'm trying to be more of a fly by the seat of my pants kinda girl. It doesn't always work though. It's like I'm going against my own mind. I need order, which I don't think is a bad thing. It's when I can see only my way as the right way that there is a problem, but I am getting better at seeing other peoples ways too. (good thing right? That will come in handy when I am married! or so I hear) I'm trying to see other people's perspective of order. We don't all think the same, which is something I am really, REALLY thankful for! Imagine if everyone was like me or you. It would get kinda boring, huh? How would we learn if we didn't have different perspectives and life experiences?

Well, back to Mary or Martha. I am starting to believe that there is a time and a place for my O.C.D., in this case, my Martha. I just need to be more aware and listen for the Holy Ghost to guide me. Maybe, one event, I will be prompted to help get things organized or help for a quick clean up. Then, maybe another time, I'll be prompted to go and talk to, so and so, or to slow down and appreciate my surroundings and be like Mary.

Lesson learning in progress: Listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost in ALL things, but also be conscious of my surroundings and what I can do too. If someone is standing alone, stop what I'm doing and go and talk to them, or invite them to join in and help. In a service setting, such as the food bank or cannery assignments, be okay with slowing down to get to know someone and enjoy their conversation. It's one of those things that sounds so simple, but the application of it isn't always so. Isn't that life though?

The story of Mary and Martha that I am referring to is in Luke 10:38-42 or click here for the KJV Luke 10

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New Tabs Yo!

I am playing with blogger and getting to know how it works a little bit more with my food blog, shameless plug,, and have decided to implement a few new pages to this here blog. Keep an eye out for more pages, you can find my new, Quotes, tab under the blog title. hehe. This is fun!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So today I was going to write a post about the fact that guys really might think I have cooties. Seriously, I was. And then... I watched the documentary "Lost Boys of Sudan". I am now trying to cope with the reality of my own selfishness.

I am at the moment a little overwhelmed with emotion, no tears, but the overwhelming feeling of, I really can be doing so much more! And reflecting on how easy it is to get comfortable where we are. I have been so concerned with work and school and dating, that I haven't taken the time to truly serve my fellow men in a long, long time. It makes me sad.

So, instead of letting this overwhelming feeling stay with me, I will ask for forgiveness from my Father in Heaven and ask for His help to increase my desire to serve. I said in a previous post, that I was excited my time was going to open up a lot more, so I think now is the time to serve more!

Also, because of the example of those amazing young men, I've realized that school and work are possible together. I want to trust in my ability to "blog" an income into existence, but I will also not, not be looking for an income makin' "real" job. And I've been thinking about choosing a career choice that is a little less selfish too... I've only been looking at a business degree as something that will benefit me and my family, but what if I re think it and find the best route that will help me to help the world? Not like I want to go global or anything, I just know that one person can make a difference, and why not try to be one of those "one persons"?

Do you see why this post is title Oi! Seriously. Oi!

On a final note. Today's life lesson has me hoping that, someday, I won't care if guys think I have cooties. I can be doing more with my life, serving and helping people, than caring what guys think.True dat? True dat.