Friday, March 18, 2011

Mr. Peanut

Who would have guessed that March 2011 would be my mass blogging month? I sure didn’t. haha

Seriously though, this has been fun!

Well now, what to talk about… How about a new guy?! I think I’ll stick with a nickname until he gives the thumbs up to use the name his mother gave him, so for blog purposes, his name is Mr. Peanut (thank Cake for this one). I told Mr. Peanut last week about my blog, where the idea came from and encouraged him to read it. He seemed to think the insight to the scripture was cool, so I really hope he is reading it, but even more, I really REALLY hope he’s not being freaked out by it. I also told him that I hadn’t written about him yet, but not to freak out to much when I actually did. *grin* So no freaking out since today is the day you’re getting written about, k? k. Well, you can freak out a little… just get over it quickly.

I was planning on going a different route with this post, but I read this article at Take time, not tests, to get to know your date | Mormon Times and have decided to make a simpler post. Mainly by not thinking so much, which is something I have been continually trying to work on. You can tell I’m getting older and hopefully a little wiser… My thought process about a guy I like is way more simple than it was a year ago. Seriously Yo, this Mr. Peanut crush is different. Kinda refreshing.

We have been on two dates (one of them is referenced further along in the post), not including when I invited him over to dinner with the Missionaries, so if you want to be technical, I can say even dinner with the missionaries was a partial date… It was paid for, planned ahead (OK, a little planned ahead, I called him that morning to see if he wanted to come over for dinner :), and we did pair off after the Elders left and went for a walk and talked.

This Mr. Peanut is an awesome guy! Funny enough, he came highly recommended from a mutual friend and I am liking that we have so much in common. It’s a simple concept, but having things you like to do and some thought processes in common does really help when getting to know each other. Question asking is easier and understanding each other is easier. I really like that talking comes pretty easy, don’t get me wrong, I still get a little nervous, because he is a cute boy *wink* and I am Sarah, I'll get over it eventually, but for now, humor my fast talking and my lack of making eye contact sometimes. Thankfully, I usually get over my weird shyness and am able to be myself.

We’ve been able to talk about things in the world, things about ourselves, and most importantly, spiritual things. I really appreciate his testimony, not only when he shares it in a conversation we are having, but when I see him actually trying to live up to it. He’s a return missionary and has a love for the Temple which is a COMPLETE plus.

So is he a good guy? Yes. Cute guy? Yes. Funny guy? Yep. He is polite, smart, and loves learning new things. I like him, but some good perspective I’ve learned from previous dating experiences has taught me that I need to be just as open to seeing his “not so complimentary traits” too. I know that having the idea that someone is without flaws, is just dumb because we are all human and we’re here in this life to learn. Each of us have a few “not so complimentary traits”, but I think that each of them can give us an opportunity to grow if we let them. Mr. Peanut has been very open about his forgetfulness and his procrastination traits and I’m glad I can see them, but they haven’t bothered me thus far. Who knows, what if I bug him with my freaky thinking ahead and being organized traits. Only time will tell I guess.

Here is the aforementioned date story…

Last week we went on a double date; a picnic (Antipasto yumminess) and Frisbee date in the park with some of my good friends, Tyler and his wife, Gina. I had a really good time and I hope he did too. We all got to talk and I think he saw that I was serious when I said I loved to cook because Tyler brought up that we still need to open up our restaurant. (Side note: Our future goal is a Diner with emphasis on specialty pancakes.) It was a fun and comfortable night with good people, nice weather and a pretty view. I for sure made some dumb moves that night, I’m still awkward at this dating thing, but I’m willing to practice, practice, practice, because I do here practice makes perfect, lol. It seems I wasn’t that awkward though, he’s still talking to me *wink*

After the date he had to head off to a meeting, so I hung out with Tyler and Gina for a bit. It was nice that Tyler and Gina liked him. Good sign, friends like guy I like and they said he was really nice. I did tell them that I wanted him to ask me out for another date which Tyler replied back, “maybe he doesn’t know that.” I said “he should know that”, but then I remembered I’m a girl and we think differently than guys. So if Tyler thinks he might not know that I want to go on another date with him, maybe I should really tell him.

So… I did.

Last night I saw him at an activity. We got to talk a little bit, but because so many people were around, we didn’t have any kind of in depth conversation. Which is totally ok… remembering the article referenced above and the thought of “slow and steady” that keeps popping in my head whenever Mr. Peanut happens to wander into my thinking, has me trying to just enjoy whatever time I happen to be around him. It’s nice. Anywho, back to the telling him he should ask me out story…

On my way out to my car, he was standing, ok kinda playing on the bike racks by our cars, I’m assuming waiting for other people to come out that he needed to talk to, or maybe it was me he was waiting to talk to ;) anyway, as I passed by to say goodnight, this strange courage to go out of my comfort zone overcame me. So instead of just saying goodnight after making my usual funny face I make to guys I like, I sincerely smiled and told him he should probably ask me out again… there may or may not have been some eyebrow lifting encouragement on my part, he did reply with a smile, “reeeally?” ,in a cute way, so I smiled right back and said, “yep, really”. I then headed towards my car where folks were waiting to get in and I then turned and smiled again.

Awkward flirting coming from Sarah? Check. Sorry if you laugh when you imagine it *grin*

We’ll see what happens. I like spending time with him, it’s really comfortable to be with him and I really like talking to him. Two big perks! I’ll let ya know if there is any return from this "ore" *grin*

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Grown Up Business Trip!!!

Whooooa! (Say it like Joey from Blossom)

Back in December I had a chance to interview for a really cool job! The position is a Design Team Member for Zotos International, which is a company who develops and distributes hair products from shampoos and conditioners to hair colors and styling products. hehe. The interview went really well! I was so excited! Sara, who interviewed me had just flown into Tucson an hour earlier for the interview. It was funny to experience the "professional" type setting of meeting in the hotel main lobby and heading over to the chair/table set ups they have for such occasions. At the end of the intervies, she offered my the position! Prayers answered? YES!

My position will be to educate at stores, salons, and possibly schools about our product lines, specifically a new color line that they have launched for Sally's Beauty Supply. Isn't that cool?! The main headquarters for the company is in Connecticut and there is supposed to be a trip being planned for a tour of the company sometime in the fall. hehe.

Seriously folks, this is a really amazing opportunity! It is a job that will allow me to drive up to Phoenix and around Tucson to teach. My mileage and gas will be written off and I'll only be working 4-6 days/month with them. Sometimes the days will be long, but other days they'll be short. It's nice that I can keep my job at the Salon I am working at now too! And the perspective that I will be up in the Phoenix area more often for work means I will also be able to go to the Temple more often here! Another blessing? YES!

The Lord really does love me! Simply letting me find a part time job that I have the best chance of loving, because come on, it does encompass a lot of the things that I love to do! He has helped me to also be prepared for it. If I was in Salt Lake still, this wouldn't have been a possibility. Plug for being back in good ole AZ. And if I wouldn't have gone back to school up in Utah I wouldn't have had the confidence or extra knowledge that I gained there to help my confidence to even put my resume out there for it.

I do have a few jitters because it is a new job and I do have to fly to another state to get training. I leave on Monday for 4 days! I have to wear business clothes and everything! haha. Now I have an excuse to shop, my wardrobe has to be all black and I only have one black dress shirt. I even have to present a power point while I'm there. I have it done, but remember, I haven't taken college classes yet and I was a low man on the totum pool at work, so I never had to do projects and present anything like this before, it's a whole new adventure. Let's hope my laptop likes to travel!

I like to think that new experiences bring new perspectives and really, what a great chance this is to grow, both professionally and personally.I'm also hoping for some spiritual growth too, I'm going to try and go to a Session in the LA Temple while I'm there. (it's a 40 min drive from my hotel and I don't know how much free time I'll actually have, so we'll see if it works out.)

I'll keep you updated with any blog worthy learning that comes from this trip *grin*

Wish me luck!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Self Doubt = BAD!

I guess I have been thinking to much lately and have found peace and enjoyment in blogging, hence the reason I have had 4 posts in the last week or so. lol

I've learned that Self doubt = Bad.

I’m only human, so self doubt has been creeping in my mind for the last couple of days. Which makes my song choice from Bruno Mars “You’re Amazing Just the Way You Are”, make sense now.

OK, again, this blog is a view into my thought process, so if you’re scared about said thought process, STOP HERE and move on to the next post. *grin*

Well now, what reasons do I have to self doubt? Hmmm… EVERYTHING!? Alright, not everything, I do know that I am a daughter of God and that He loves me, which by the way, the knowledge of keeps me sane. The following thinking initially started with negative feelings, but as I pondered on them, I started feeling peace. I know that the Lord is the one who allowed for me to turn this thinking into a positive thing. It is the faith I have in the Atonement of Jesus Christ that has filled the gap of my personal self doubt and has given me positive feelings and an appreciation for this thinking.

What have I been thinking? You really want to know? Really? OK, here ya go.

Why am I single? I’ve now realized that there are three major factors at play here. My thinking has explored each of these in depth, individually, but I had never put them all together into one thought process until now. These three things do play a role in me “Findin’ My Ore” so I should really gain a better understanding of each of them. Right? Right.

Breakdown, AKA reasons for my single status...

Me. Him. and My Heavenly Father.

So, first is the self doubt I have of myself. Again, don’t read if you don’t want to be in my head. Well if you have decided to read on, here you be. I have self doubt about a lot of different things. Sometimes there is something that I have had confidence in, that all of the sudden becomes something I feel weak in. I just realized that it can be a play on Pride vs. Humility, but I also know that some of these are feelings that are exploited by Satan. I am human. Each day I know that I have to decrease pride and increase humility. It is much easier said than done most days though. I know I need to fight against Satan, not just sit down overwhelmed and cry, yet still, I even let that happen sometimes. Again, I am human.

And because of that human nature, I know that my faith needs to be increased. Well that is for sure something, increase my faith. I can be doing so much more. I can be more trusting of the Lord and Christ. I know that I can be serving and be preparing more than I am. I know that faith is an action word and that my testimony of faith will only be increased by trying it. Yet, I still doubt.

I doubt my physical appearance. I’ve told friends that I like to think that I am single because I am fat, because if it wasn’t that reason, that means, I am single because of my personality! Physical self doubt was way easier to accept than the idea that it was my personality. When I actually told that to my Visiting Teacher, she lovingly told me, “Sarah, fat people get married all the time!” Dang it! She’s right! Then it might be my personality? That’s was a pretty big bite to chew on, but thankfully, in general and on most days, I like me. So self doubt doesn’t come as often. (I guess I am a little to proud sometimes;)

(side note: I also had another friend who challenged me last year by asking me if I really thought I was single because of the way I looked and why I didn’t make the change to become more healthy? That hit me pretty hard too and has been one of the reasons I have turned to re shaping my habits of eating and exercising. One day I want to be active with my family, I want to adventure with them and I couldn’t do that the way I was living, so for the last month, I have revisited my old mantra of No Fried, No Sweet, No Soda and have been exercising every day. It’s simply amazing that eating right and exercising really does work *wink*)

Today though… that uncommon self doubt hit and it hit hard.

I should explain that I think that personality is made up by not only what we say, but what we think, how we act, what we do and what we are willing to learn from situations around us.

Am I learning from my mistakes? I like to think most of the time I am, but truthfully, not always.

Do I try to make changes in the areas that I think are important though? Yes, but maybe not fast enough.

I know that when I want to make changes in places where I see weakness, I take small steps so that I can learn to build and make things habits so I can have success, rather than to rush and have the possibility of failing. Are my steps to small though? Or am I working on the things that don’t matter as much and missing out on changing the bigger problems?

Easy example: I grew up in a house where cleaning was not emphasized as much as it was in some of my friends homes. We by all means did not have a “dirty” house. It’s just that my mom didn’t have a weekly cleaning chart or any organized schedule set up, which means I didn’t build the habit of continually cleaning without being asked to. And as a kid, I totally didn't want to just clean, I wanted to play. So playing I did.

We had the mantra that you clean when it’s dirty, you take the trash out when it’s full, and do dishes when the sink is full. I am almost 29 and am trying to build better cleaning habits now and have been for the last few years. It's really an area that I want to be better in, so I am at least trying. One area of my house that I care about is my kitchen and I try to keep it clean at all times. I LOVE to cook and me no likey to cook in a messy kitchen. So I at least started somewhere *wink* Now just don’t judge me if you ever see my room and see the lack of hanging clothes ability that I may have. haha

Well, my personality really can get in my way. Period. But, I then remember, I AM NOT PERFECT!!! And it’s okay to have flaws because it allows me to continually learn and grow by looking upward to Christ, our Perfect example.

How though do you explain to people that you have weaknesses and hope that they understand you are still learning? Whether it’s your cleaning ability, or lack there of and any of the other personality "flaws" that you might have? Tell me please. (3.25.11, I've realized that I have to be willing and open to viewing people the same way that I want to be seen. I have to be more understanding. notice the period? period.)

Alrighty, that’s enough about my personal self doubt, I could go on here for way longer, but you don't want to delve that far in my head. So now it’s onto the other two major factors.

Again, going in the order that I wrote them, next I will rant about Guys.

On a few occasions I have been asked if I was married/had kids/ or if I was dating anyone. When I have said no, the person asking always seems to be a little surprised. (Which makes me smile to know that I at least exude some nurturing ability.) I have started to respond to their surprise with, “guys are just special”.

Guys special you may ask? Never.

I believe that I might not have met my "ore" yet, but why can't I date someone exclusively while trying to figure out if I'm his ore and he's mine? I've had conversations where these "Special" guys have willingly passed me by as being anything more than just a friend.

I like to see myself as a girl who loves the Lord and who wants to build a family in accordance with His teachings, from wanting to live providently, to having FHE every Monday and family prayer and scripture study every day. As a girl who LOVES the Temple and who wants to always be worthy to be able to go in. A girl who can on occasion be pretty cute and who is a lover of adventures. A girl who is going to be a good wife and a good mother because I will love my family by being a true homemaker. Not only because I love to cook (*wink*), but because I want to care for and truly give of myself to my family. I'm a girl who loves to go to church, for the learning and teaching that goes on there. A girl who is relatively smart, but I know I don’t know everything. I'm a girl who will search out and study subjects that I am interested in and at times may be annoying because I'm always asking questions. I love learning and on occasion can be witty.

Because of these things, I do feel that my answer is valid in most cases. Again, I know I have my flaws, but so do the guys right?

Looking back though, I am thankful for my past because I’ve learned from each of the experiences I had with these guys. They have each helped me to see what I am truly looking for and more importantly what I am not looking for in my future husband, in “My Ore”. I truly want someone who has the same love and attitude toward the Gospel as I do. Which leads me to the last major factor of why I am single.

My Heavenly Father.

He has a plan for me. He is preparing me for that plan. He sees the big picture and He sees the future. He allows me to see the areas where I have weakness with a loving assurance that He will help me if I have faith in His Son.

I have prayed to know why I am single, why the opportunity to be a wife and mother hasn’t come to me yet, and simply put and beautifully delivered to me in these moments was that, there is a reason for it. Which, in itself brings me peace because my Heavenly Father sees the big picture and knows how and when I can be the best Sarah.

Thinking on it… I wouldn’t have been able to be there in some of the capacities of being a sister, daughter, friend, co worker, fellow church member, if I would have had my family already. I want to be able to focus all of my energy on my family and I think the Lord knows that, so He is allowing me to be a tool in His hands while I am single, hopefully helping His other children in whatever way I can.

Some people’s lives I don’t picture anything changing if I had been a wife and a mother when we had met, or had become while we were friends, but others I feel it would have made a HUGE difference. Who knows what influence we had in each others lives, what we were helping each other to become.

I also know that I wouldn’t have been able to learn as much Spiritually over the past 3 years if I would have been married. Going to the Temple every week while up in Utah, wouldn’t have been as much possible if I were married. And I wouldn’t change the experience of that Temple worship for anything. It has helped me to be more prepared for what is coming, not only in my personal life, but an understanding of what is going to be happening in the world.

I wouldn’t have had the beautiful revelation as I read in 1Nephi about the need to prepare for my eternal family, my ship, to be able to cross the great deep to the Promised Land, to Eternal Life. I don’t know if that revelation would have come if I had been married before then. By golly that means this blog wouldn’t exist and all of my thinking here might not have come. Yeah, no, there is for sure a reason I am not married yet. I just need to have the faith to always believe that.


OK, I am tired now… emotional day with personal revelation right before going to bed always, always equals tired.

Until next time,Ado.

I'm sure though that I will continue to be thinking and who knows I might have another few posts by next week *grin*

Friday, March 11, 2011

Forgin' some tools

I know that on multiple occasions in my blog that I have stated how much I love that we are called the “Chosen Generation”. I also know I have told you about my rant of our responsibility to the “Rising Generation”, but I haven’t actually ranted to ya’ll about it yet. Since this last week I have had some really cool and amazing insight on the subject, I’ve decided that today is the day to share.

OK my basic belief is simple, but I’ll expound on it a little, don’t you worry.

And it is simply this: We are called the “Chosen Generation” not because of our greatness, but because of who we will be raising! We are teaching the generation who will be here to herald the Saviors Second Coming. We are different and blessed so that we can prepare these kids, so they will be prepared for the Him.

Do we have a great responsibility? YES!!!

I feel very strongly that we need to better ourselves so that we can better our children. We have to prepare them against all that is happening and going to happen in this world. Our homes need to be built on a solid foundation, not a sandy one. Think of the Primary song, “The Wise Man Built His House Upon a Rock”. Our homes need to be a place of refuge, a place where the Gospel may be taught without interference from the evil one.

We need to do everything for these blessed children of God! We have been given the chance to help them succeed! Agency will play a role, it has since the beginning, but if we can teach and be a positive example of love, sacrifice, and service, we will be giving these kids the best chance for success. We as the “parents” or in my case, the aunt and primary teacher have the responsibility to learn all that we can and be willing to teach at every opportunity given! Learning about and applying faith, hope, and charity will be essential in these childrens future.

So now to tie it all in with "Findin' My Ore" with the cool and amazing insight I’ve received this week…

If you’ve read my first post and the interpretation of the scriptures in 1Nephi that started said blog, you will remember that Ore = Eternal Companion, Tools = Children, and Ship = Eternal Family. Let's talk about forgin' some tools! There is such a great importance in their creation. From the need to find and create them with the right “ore” to applying the right amount of pressure and heat, or “forging”, to give them their strength.

Hehe, this is going to be fun!

The thought came into my mind a few days ago that we will need to help the Lord in creating His Tools… those Tools that will help Him to accomplish His purpose. The purpose that will allow us to return to live with Him and our Savior. There is a definite distinction between the work that can be accomplished with a well made tool and a tool that isn’t made as well.

I see now that finding the right ore is essential! (Not that I didn’t know that before, it was just reaffirmed) Each tool will need to be made with the right metal combination. We should be similar enough that our ores will be able to combine and create the strongest metal possible so that the tool made will be more pure and the bonds will be strong and linked together as if they are one. Our faith and testimonies should be similar so that when the tools are forged, when the heat and the pressure come, the tool will be at its strongest and not have any weak points. They are not going to be all the same type of tool either. They shouldn’t have to be! If He didn’t have an array of tools at His disposal, the work would be a lot harder. Each of His tools will have a purpose!

We should have the desire to forge these tools so that when they are called up to be used in the Master’s hands, they will be a well made tool, a tool that has been strengthened because of the bonds of the ore that were brought together to form it. The process of forging should take time, otherwise the tool will be weak and the possibility of breaking will be greater. Remember though that the tools don’t just gain shape and strength immediately. We as “parents” need to make each hammer stroke, heat application, and final shaping with purpose and with love. We need to gently shape them from the beginning! Our ultimate goal with these tools should be that through the Refiners Fire of Jesus Christ they can be used in the “Master’s Hands”, being able to help accomplish His work.

See! I told you it was cool! And you can go even further with this analogy. I seriously love it! I love it, I love it, I love it!

Seriously Yo, I need to “Find My Ore”! *grin*

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My best friend, you're amazing just the way you are!

Music that has me thinking...

Bruno Mars-

Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shinin'
Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her tryin'
She's so beautiful
And I tell her everyday

Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her, she won't believe me
And it's so, it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look okay?
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are

And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
'Cause girl, you're amazing
Just the way you are

Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy
She's so beautiful
And I tell her everyday

Oh, you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change
If perfect's what you're searching for, then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking if you look okay
You know I'll say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are

And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
'Cause girl, you're amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl, you're amazing
Just the way you are

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are

And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
'Cause girl, you're amazing
Just the way you are, yeah



When everything is wrong I come talk to you
You make things alright when I'm feeling blue

You are such a blessing
And I won't be messing

With the one thing that brings light to all my darkness

You're my best friend
And I love you (love you)
And I love you (love you)
Yes I do

There is no other one who can take your place
I feel happy inside when I see your face

I hope you believe me
Cause I speak sincerely

And I mean it when I tell you that I need you

You're my best friend
And I love you (love you)
And I love you (love you)
Yes I do

I'm here right beside you
I will never leave you

And I feel the pain you feel when you start crying

You're my best friend
And I love you (love you)
And I love you (love you)
Yes I do

You're my best friend
And I love you (love you)
And I love you (love you)
Yes I do

Yes I do
Yes I do

When I "Find my Ore" these are two songs that I truly hope will be on repeat in both of our minds... Ahhh, so sweet!

Talk Time Yet Again.

So being in this family ward, which was the ward I had been in before moving up to Salt Lake in 2008, is pretty amazing! It's funny to see the changes that have come over me in the past few years and the changes that have come over the ward. I am truly blessed to be here. New ward also meant Talk time yet again. Soon enough, my Bishop came a askin'. I spoke at the end of February.

It was a really sweet experience preparing for it. I had the chance to fast, pray, and study about my subject. Again, I love that all the subjects I have ever been asked to speak on have influenced me and been just what I needed at the time. It's the Lord seeing the big picture and what we need in our lives thing again. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and am so thankful for each chance I have been given to increase my testimony of it. I want to share my talk with you all, so here it be.

*Disclaimer* My Bishop told me to make it a 15-20 min talk, that is why it's long, if you read fast though... it's not that bad *wink*

Hi. I am very thankful to be speaking today and very grateful for my topic, Elder Wirthlins talk from April 2008; “Concern for the One”. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by that I have benefited more from preparing this talk than you might by listening to it.

I know that “there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.” As said in John 10:16 I also know that our Heavenly Father has placed people on this earth to be Christ like examples, other “shepherds”. They are Christ like examples who will lead, guide, and protect us. They will be people who care for the Lord’s children.
I look to the story of our Saviors birth to bring perspective on being one of those shepherds… Luke 1:8-20

“…there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them… the angel said… behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy… For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger… the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem... And they came with hast, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child… And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

There are “shepherds” who are following this example in our lives today. Shepherds who keep watch over their flocks, shepherds who would head a messenger from the Lord. They will be shepherds who will go and do. They will also be those who testify of Jesus Christ, His birth and His divinity. They glory and give praise to God. Do you know anyone in your life that fits this definition of a “shepherd”? They will be followers to the admonition later given by Christ who said, “What manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am”.

I want to emphasize that not all “shepherds” will look, act, think, or speak alike. I encourage you to look around you today and over the next week to see who has been placed in your life to guide and protect you. I guarantee that you will see, to quote Elder Wirthlin, that “The Lord did not people the earth with a vibrant orchestra of personalities only to value the piccolos of the world. Every instrument is precious and adds to the complex beauty of the symphony. All of Heavenly Father’s children are different in some degree, yet each has his own beautiful sound that adds depth and richness to the whole.

Are we letting those individual and beautiful sounds of the orchestra around us, those shepherds, add depth and richness to our lives?

I know that the “One Shepherd” is Jesus Christ, our Savior. He is The Good Shepherd. He is our perfect example, who we should try and emulate. He was born, He lived, and He died for us. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We can see the blessings that are promised because He is our “Good Shepherd” as we read in Ezekial 34:23-31. We should always remember that Christ is our brother and He is the reason by which we can return to live with our Heavenly Father. Always remember though that each of us has the same divine parentage. We are all God’s children.

I know that the “One Fold” is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This Gospel bears His name. I know that we are guided by a Prophet of the Lord, he who yields all of the keys of the Holy Priesthood. I know that Christ chooses His Prophets. I know As Elder Wirthlin did that President Monson “is a mighty man of Israel who was foreordained to preside over this Church.”

Elder Wirthlin further describes President Monson’s character by saying: “While it is a complement to him that many of the great and mighty of this world know and honor him, perhaps it is an even greater tribute that many of the lowly call him friend. To his core, President Monson is kind and compassionate. His words and deeds exemplify his concern for the one.” His is a character that I think we should all try to emulate because he is a shepherd of Christ’s fold.

I also know that we were each born in a time when we would be needed to do the work of the Lord. I know that the rising generation truly is “A Chosen Generation”, a generation that if we trust in the Lord, we will succeed in all that He has asked us to do, a generation that has the chance to prepare the world to receive her “Good Shepherd” once more. I love the words spoken in one of my favorite primary songs… “We have been saved for these latter days, to build His kingdom in righteous ways. We hear the words the Prophet declares, let all whose worthy go forth and share. We are as the army of Helaman, we have been taught in our youth, and we will be the Lord’s missionaries to bring the world His truth.”

Because I know all of these things, I also know that Bishop Gonzales has been called of God to preside over this ward, to be another one of our “Shepherds”. His influence and instruction can guide us to live our lives in a way that will help us gain an eternal perspective and to help us to obtain eternal life. I know that each of us can learn from listening and applying his counsel to our lives because it is he who is Our Common Judge in Israel.

Also, the leaders and teachers in the Midvale Ward have been called of God. And when they are doing His will, they will not lead us astray. They will be shepherds who will continually lead us to Christ. Our Visiting and Home Teaching assignments have been prayed about and have the same shepherding ability to bring one to Christ. We are all brothers and sisters and by knowing this it should increase our willingness to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ, always being concerned for the one.

Quoting Elder Wirthlin, “Jesus Christ is our greatest example. He was surrounded by multitudes and spoke to thousands, yet He always had concern for the one. “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost,” He said. “What man of you, having an hundred sheep if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?”
This instruction applies to all who follow Him. We are commanded to seek out those who are lost. We who are our brother’s keeper. We cannot neglect this commission given by our Savior. We must be concerned for the one.”
When Bishop extended the call to speak today, he included that I should share some of my personal experiences with “Concern for the One”. While reflecting on my past and looking for experiences that would help convey the Spirit of being “Concerned for the One”, I have humbly realized that I’ve been the lost sheep more often than I thought. So now I want to share with you some of my story…

When I was 12 and 13, I really liked going to Young Women’s and really loved being worthy to do Baptisms for The Dead. I had amazing leaders in my ward, who always gave lessons where I felt the Spirit and they taught me about service. I knew my leaders loved me and wanted to help me in whatever way they could. I was what you would call an innocent and naïve girl… and then 8th grade hit! Soon enough the world came knocking and sadly, I answered.

That year had started out fine, but within the first couple of weeks, I had made some friends who weren’t the best examples. I started watching TV shows and movies that were popular, but had no value to them, just bad examples and bad language. I had started to steal and occasionally smoke. By the time I was half way through my freshman year of high school, I was only occasionally going to church and seminary was the farthest things from my mind.

High school was where I started to make more friends. The majority of my friends were not members. Which isn’t always bad, but in this case, it was not very good. Their parents didn’t have the same values as my mom did, so I found myself spending a lot of time at their houses, away from my own home. I felt guilty whenever I was home, so it made sense to not be there.

I was missing a lot of school, signing my mom’s name to my absent/tardy notes and had started doing recreational drugs. By then I was lying to cover up the stuff I was doing, mainly because I smelled bad from my new habit of smoking every day. Not to mention, my language was horrible, and I had given myself the majority of the 15 piercings I have in my ears. The sad part looking back was that toward the end of that year I had become the friend who was the bad example, not them.

I lived life that way until we moved into a new house and new ward when I was almost 16. A little over 2 years of specialness was enough for my mom. I know she was praying for me and her prayers were answered when I said ok after she suggested I try out our new ward and see if I liked Young Women’s. Fancy that, I did like it. My leaders were yet again amazing! They were exactly what I needed at that time of my life. The ward was a little weird as a whole, but they were family and I had no doubt in my mind that they loved me and wanted the best for me!

I still wasn’t fully active, but I did however stop doing the majority of the bad things I was doing, like stealing, smoking, and drugs. I had stopped hanging out with some of my old friends and started to make new ones. I also had by then talked to my Bishop about a few things. I coasted on that train from semi active to fully active during the summer before my junior year.

It was during the beginning of my junior year when I met Peter. I truly believe that the Lord placed him in my path to help me become a better person. Peter was truly AHHHMAZING! He loved his family and was a great friend. He was strong in the Gospel. He was always kind and loving to those around him and a really good example. He was funny, really cute and had an amazing singing voice. He was two years older than me, which made him 18 ½. He was a good Mormon boy, which meant that he was preparing to go on a mission at 19 and serve the Lord.

Peter had overcome some pretty big obstacle to be able to go on that mission. He was hit by a car when he was 7. He was wheelchair bound up until his mid teens, when he had gained enough strength to move up to using crutches to get around. He still didn’t have the full use of his legs, but that never stopped him from accomplishing his dream of serving a mission. He got called to San Francisco and left toward the end of my junior year. I missed having that friendship, but I knew everything would be ok. He had helped me to increase my testimony of trying to be a good person and the influence that can come from being positive rather than negative.

I also learned from our friendship that I wanted to have a good guy like him someday, a man who was strong in the Gospel and who loved the Lord as much as me and someone who looked to God and Christ for his answers. A man who set goals and did whatever he could to accomplish them. A man who served willingly and loved openly and gave all he had to follow the counsel of the Prophets of God. I knew however that I needed make more changes in my life for that to ever be a reality. So I started to make changes.

Around this same time President Hinckley had given the commandment for women to only wear one pair of earrings. I really liked all of my piercings, I thought they were cute, but I decided to try my faith, so I took them all out except for my original pair. I noticed a difference within myself after listening to his counsel. That simple test has helped me to keep making more changes. I started to do other things the Lord has commanded us to do. I started praying more frequently, I started to read my scriptures, I paid my tithing and I had taken the opportunity to fast for the first time. I was really feeling good!

Life for the next couple of years had its ups and downs because I was trying to be in the world, but not of it. I’ve learned that I can never deny the love the Lord has had for me. He has placed pretty amazing Shepherds to look after me during these years of finding myself. It’s funny that in finding myself, I totally lost myself, but Christ was always there to redirect and guide me, helping me to find my true self. I have learned the true definition of charity; the highest, noblest, strongest kind of love, not merely affection; the pure love of Christ through those who cared for, searched for, and brought me back home when I strayed.

I am here today, because there were people in my life who were concerned for the “one”.

Heavenly Father gave me a mom who never lost hope in finding me and guiding me back to Christ. I think of the scripture; Mosiah 27:14 where we learn that because Alma the elder “prayed with much faith” that his son might be brought to the knowledge of the truth that he was blessed with an answer to that prayer. Alma the younger came back into the fold of God because of the faithful prayers of a loving parent on his behalf.

The Lord gave me leaders in my ward who didn’t judge me. They loved me. They saw and encouraged my true potential. They taught me the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He gave me good friends who were amazing examples and specifically someone who raised my view upward to the Temple.

I look back and am thankful that my life story has a better chance of having a happy ending now because I have learned and am still learning from my mistakes. The pain and the tears still come when I stray, because I am not perfect. I pray though that when I stray, the shepherds in my life will still be “concerned for the one”. When I get lost though, I know where I can look to find my way back. I hope I can always see my “shepherds”, my guides. I look to my Savior. I look to my loving family, to friends who influence me to do good. I look to my ward family who has always been willing to teach me to be more Christ like. I know that in my past, I had been losing myself in the world, letting pride guide me rather than humility.

I have learned that living the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a decision you must make every single day. We have been given a gift with this life, with mortality. We should live to have Joy. True joy comes from the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation, knowing where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. In this life we will be tried, we will love, and we will grow. It won’t always be easy, but when we rely upon Jesus Christ, we can have the feeling of the warmth of “The Good Shepherd” carrying us rather than feeling cold and lonely from being “lost”.

I am thankful for my life and give all the credit to any success I may have to my Father in Heaven. He loves me, and has continually guided His Shepherds to find me and for that I am thankful. These shepherds were able to carry and help me through living their testimony of Jesus Christ. I pray that we may all be able to live our testimony of Jesus Christ.

I want to close with words from a well know hymn…

“The world has need of willing men who wear the workers seal.
Come, help the good work move along; Put your shoulder to the wheel.
The Church has need of helping hands, and hearts that know and feel.
The work to do is here for you; Put your shoulder to the wheel.
Then don’t stand idly looking on; The fight with sin is real.
It will be long but must go on; Put your shoulder to the wheel.
Then work and watch and fight and pray with all your might and zeal.
Push every worthy work along; Put your shoulder to the wheel.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.