Sunday, July 25, 2010


Ok, update time.

Friends. We've been heading that route for a while, I just think I was in denial about it. I've had the amazing adventure of figuring out my own feelings on this one. It's kinda funny to now have the view point of being outside of the liking Hot Man box (ok, maybe I'm not completely outside of the box, but I see things a little clearer from where I am standing inside the box). It has helped me to see a few things differently, also known as new perspectives that I hadn't seen before.

I have said it before, but I'll say it again. I really want to LIVE life! He helped me to really see how I can do that. It's funny, he doesn't even know he has helped me, but I've learned a little more about myself, my potential, and a little more of my worth. I should really thank him for that.

I do love this adventure of life and all the learning that happens. I now know that "Findin' My Ore" isn't going to be easy, but what an amazing adventure it is!

And come on, how much sweeter is the end result going to be because I know that I had to work that much harder for it?!

Til the next crush. Ado.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Update on Update

Soooo. Yeah. Ummm. I like Hot Man more than earlier anticipated. Not sure what to do at this point. I see flying by the seat of my pants for a while. Let's see what happens and hope for a positive outcome. Whether we do end up just friends or have something more. I hope I'm ok with either.

Hmmm. More to come.