
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Today was a we bit rough, but ended on a good note!

And by a we bit rough, let's just say, I actually wanted to physically punch a kid in my math class. Seriously. No joke.I can honestly tell you that, I have not wanted to punch someone since, I don't know, my senior year in high school? I can still remember my emotions that day, two guys being dumb in English and were just being not nice. So, what, 11 almost 12 years ago was my last desire to physically harm? I don't think that's to shabby.

I did however realize today, that I DON"T WANT TO HAVE THAT DESIRE, EVER AGAIN!

I had a slight "road rage" thought cross my mind (which was not a very nice thought) when I had to wait for a car to turn before I could on my way home... I do recognize that it happened only a few minutes after math class was over, but still, no excuse. Which made it hard to deal with coming home to some of my dishes being written on with permanent marker... which irked me some more... along with coming home to a house that smelled like fish! Yucky. Don't get me wrong, I like fish, I just don't like the lingering smell in my house after it's been cooked.

I, somehow let things keep getting to me, and getting to me. I just kept getting madder and madder. And then it happened. I started to complain on facebook about today being a patience trying kind of day, and the realization hit me! I totally have been praying for an increase of patience! And boy oh boy, today was a day of learning.

I all of the sudden, didn't feel mad anymore. I reflected on my own stupidity of getting so mad over such small, insignificant events, that I said a prayer and asked Heavenly Father to forgive me. I also asked that I would be able to forgive the kid that offended me in Math (not a big deal, he was just a huge disruption towards the end of class, and very disrespectful to the teacher and the rest of the class, who wanted to be there), I was trying to remind myself too, that he is only a "kid", and has his own learning and life experiences to go through.

I also had the chance today to edit the first few cooking videos for my other blog and got to show Jakob, my nephew how to do it too. I love that he loves this stuff! He always asks questions and wants to learn as much as he can! I am by no means an expert, I don't know any of the technical terms, and my videos are a little choppy, but still. I'm glad he see's me trying something new. I really love spending time with him! He is like a little brother actually.

I don't know how to explain it, but sometimes, I feel like we are the same age. Not on a maturity, immaturity level, but on a kind of, spiritual level. I feel, like we were friends in the pre-existence, I just happened to come down to earth and received my body first. It's really weird, but we are totally kindred spirits, who also know how to bug the bejeebies out of each other.

Today wasn't one of those days of bugging each other though. He got to sit, do his homework and watch me edit while chiming in his two sense. He also got to make videos on my camera of himself. He really is quite the little actor and artist! I am not kidding! Maybe, if I get his mom's permission, I'll post a video of him on here, if not a video of him, maybe I'll post one of his Lego Star Wars movies or his Finger Man, Stick Man movies that he acts and stars in. haha.

I did however, loose total sense of time and was 45minutes late to my night class at Pima. hehe. Time flies when you are having fun! I went to class, which is a intro to business, type class, and realized that... maybe business isn't for me. I love to learn, don't get me wrong, but I don't know if this is a subject that I could ever love enough to pursue as a career? Time will tell, I'll hopefully have a better idea by the time the semester is over, so keep an eye out for a possible career goal change in the future. lol.

I then came home, Cake (Jakob) is spending the night, so we got to talk some more. He was reading a book while I was converting my videos into the right format to upload them to youtube.

And that's how my day turned from a, bit rough, to ending on a good note. I've been humbled, I've had the chance to increase my patience, and charity towards myself and my brothers and sisters. My new blog is doing great and I uploaded my first videos! School is great, I am learning tons! Life in general is GREAT! I'm learning a few new lessons, you know, the one where you recognize it is your own attitude that makes the difference and the lesson, where you can see that by not showing love and charity towards those around you, that satan can get in, and disrupt your day. You know, another lesson, where you learn to rely on your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, because you know that they are your best teachers, and you can become the best you, by abiding by Their teachings... who could ask for anything more?

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