I learned that people can change, but it can also be my perspective of them that changes. I learned that happy places can change and that it wasn't a bad that it did. I learned that concussions suck (future post subject) as do line drive hits with a softball to the shin. Can we say gigantic bruise from mid calf to ankle?
I learned to stand in holy places (future post subject). I learned that by making promises to myself and The Lord before hard things came up made things waaaay easier when choices had to be made. I learned I don't need a large social circle as long as I had a few good friends I could rely on.
I learned that age makes a difference in life; especially when looking inward but also when I looked at others wondering why they were doing what they were doing (Future post subject).
I learned my hair gets these awesome ringlets in the humidity, and I don't mind my grays as much anymore. I learned that thrift store shopping is the absolute way I want to shop, amazing deals on pants, a scarf, earrings, and a purse ;) but can be frustrating when you can't find what you're looking for; an 80's style waffle maker to be precise.
I learned that sushi was always better when eaten with a good friend and days off relaxing were way better than ones running around. I learned that when it rains for days on end it was worth it to find a happy place, such as creating art with my shoes off, otherwise it was depressing. Cold, wet feet were horrible. I learned to love my new wool socks though.
I was blessed to experience answered prayers again and again, one being in a bearded wood shop counselor with a good attitude which made for a much enjoyable summer than last year. I learned to better communicate with my co workers and the campers and it was worth it to try to see things from their perspective.
I learned I should actively try things out of my comfort zone, and that paddle boarding (even on my knees because of high winds and choppy water)was pretty fun.
I knew this, but it was re emphasized how much I HATED not being able to cook for myself or choose my meals. I learned truly that what I eat affects everything, my attitude, my ability to focus, but my waistline was a big concern. I lost 25lbs before camp and gained 10lbs while there. Boo!!! I learned organic, local, unrefined sugars and flours is the way to go!
I learned that I am still teachable and able to learn in the moment. I learned that the example of two amazing young men has had a great impact on my life. I learned that lefties are very gifted people and deserve to not have to adapt to a right handed world.
I learned that knowing what to expect from camp made for a very enjoyable summer, a summer of learning, a summer of growth, a summer if fortune.
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